Chapter 42

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—Ron POV—

I straightened out my Auror robes, making sure everything was ready before I left to the Ministry. Then, I went over to Hermione, who was sitting on the couch, a cup of tea in her hand.

"Remember: if anything happens, call me immediately. Shacklebolt won't mind letting me go. He knows I want to be there for you."

"Yes, Ron," Hermione chuckled. "I'll be fine." She gave me a quick kiss, before ushering me away. "Now go, you don't want to be late."

"Goodbye, love." With her reply, I left via the floo, landing firmly on the ground of the ministry as soon as the green flames subsided. I stepped out, meeting with my partner, Auror Berrycloth.

"Hey mate, how's the missus?"

"Good," I responded, walking with him to the elevator, past all of the hustle and bustle around us.

"Have any clue when the baby is coming?"

"Still any day, it's honestly a bit nerve wracking, waiting for the baby to come. Even if I have dealt with it before," I chuckled. Mordecai patted me on the back.

"Well, it's not every day you become a father of two."

"Tell me about it," We stepped into the elevator, Each of us holding on to one of the overhead railings, making our way to the department of Magical law enforcement. As the elevator slowed to a stop, I spoke again, having had this on my mind, and not having told anyone about it yet.

"She says she wants him to go to Muggle primary school before Hogwarts-"

"Auror Weasley, Berrycloth." I looked over at Minister Shacklebolt, surprised that he had been waiting for us at the entrance to our department. He only ever did that when it was serious.

"We have word of two suspicious individuals said to be harassing a woman over by Knockturn alley. People say they were the Rowles. Keep this quiet, and go figure it out. Auror Williamson is waiting at the apparation point."

I still remember the first time I had gone to Knockturn Alley, the summer before sixth year, when Harry was following Draco around, convinced that he was a Death Eater. Even now, having gone multiple times to investigate shady activity, all of the dark twists and turns still irked me. The sound of the Acromantulas behind a nearby shop window could be heard in the distance, tapping on the glass, staring with those angry black eyes. The alley was void of people so far.

I turned behind me, to Mordecai and Doxar, signaling them to keep quiet. Round a corner, I could see a large man with blond, buzzed hair, his arm outstretched, and two thin arms reaching down his arm, painted nails grasping weakly at his sleeve. I could only imagine he was holding a woman up against the grimy brick wall by her collar. There was another woman, who, similarly to the blond man, was clad in black robes. She was holding a wand to the other woman's throat. She had brown, ashy hair. It was long, and pinned into a neat bun. I immediately recognized the antagonistic pair.

"Thorfinn and Euphemia Rowle," whispered Doxar.

"I thought the Rowle family had died after he war," murmured Mordecai.

"Never assume," I whispered back. "There were never any bodies. It was obvious they must've all gone into hiding."

The three of us leant in, trying to listen to the hushed voices of the couple. I still couldn't get a proper look at the woman they were holding, only her whimpering.

"Please, please. I promise... I didn't mean for it to go this way, you must believe me-"

"He trusted you," the man hissed through gritted teeth.

"Please, I wa-" her words were cut off by a cautious and meager sound of pain. I tilted my head, seeing the woman's face clearly now as the wand pressed deeper against her throat. My eyes widened.

"I told you not to give off too many details. I told you," Euphemia pressed her wand deeper, making the other woman gasp. "I told you that the muggles can't think anything of it-"

"B-but I promise, they don't! They love it, they think it's-" she gasped again, "-fiction. Fantasy. it works. They have no clue-"

"She's lying," hissed Thorfinn. "Kill her." I jumped in at the sound of those words, holding my wand in an offensive stance.

"Aurors Weasley, Berrycloth and Williamson; don't move." I boomed. Thorfinn let go of the woman, who gulped down a large breath as she collapsed down to the floor, her white curls bouncing. She scrambled to her feet coming towards me.

"Oh, thank you. They're mad, I tell you-"

"That includes you. Wanted for the past decade and a half, you should be ashamed of yourself."

In an instant, I blocked a red flash of light that was thrown my way. Doxar moved up from behind me, taking over the fight with Euphemia while Mordecai moved over to the other woman.

The sickening laugh that belonged to Thorrfinn made me snap my head over to him. My wand never faltered.

"You're too late, Weasley. You and your friends may think you have us now, but you don't know. The Dark Lord lives on!" he broke out into a laughter that reminded me far too much of Bellatrix Lestrange. I ignored the violent twisting in my gut, keeping my expression trained and unmoving.

"It's over, Rowle. Just give it up, whatever it is." My voice was low, and I couldn't help but notice the 'stupefy' that rang through the air, Doxar fell to the floor with a thud, and Euphemia turned to Mordecai, sending him an incarcerous, then quickly, to the other woman-

"Avada Kedavra!" The words were deafening, and sent me into a daze. I stumbled, watching as the other woman- Rita Skeeter- fell limp, her face still. A tremor shook through me. It had all been so fast. I was suddenly failing to keep my wand steady as memories of the war taunted the back of my mind. Euphemia whipped over to me, a wild look of determination in her eyes.

"Stupid boy. His legacy continues. We're already finishing what the Dark Lord wanted," she hissed.

"She helped us write the books, delude the Muggles, we didn't need her any more," began Thorfinn. "It's her fault for messing up. But her work has gone far enough." I just barely glanced down at Skeeter's lifeless body, a sense of dread flooding down my spine, making me light headed.

"Expelliarmus!" My wand flew from my hand. "Diffindo!"

My mouth gaped as I stared down at the gashes that had opened themselves across my chest and abdomen. A thick, slimy, and warm mercury colored substance flowing happily from them. Each breath made me feel more lightheaded, and spots began to dance around my vision. an extreme and intense nausea hit me like a wave. I faintly heard a grunt, followed by the sound of my name, and a bright red light flashed across my dazed line of sight. My legs completely gave out, and everything went black.

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