Chapter 28

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—Draco POV—

"-And you hold my hand when walking around, always. There are strangers everywhere. I will not tolerate any mischief while we are around any strangers. Understand?" I gave Scorpius a firm look, gripping his  small hand tightly as we stood in the spacious lobby of what Hermione said was the Hard Rock Hotel. Really, it was extravagant in a sort of American casual way, with posters of what I could only assume to be famous musicians plastered all over the walls, musical instruments everywhere- framed in shadow boxes or otherwise displayed-, and, if you listened closely enough, there was music quiet music playing throughout the area. The musical theme of the place was quite obvious.

"A bit cold in here, don't you think?" commented Harry, who had his arms crossed to keep warm.

"Better than the smothering heat from outside. It's sunset and boiling." The two of us glanced back towards the transparent front doors. I continued to look around, taking in the subtle yet ostentatious appearance of the hotel. Ron was at the front desk with Teddy, checking us in, whatever that meant, and I noticed Hermione sitting down on a chair to take a breather, with all of our bags close by. Rose was sitting on the chair beside her, looking around with wide eyes, similar to Scorpius. Hermione caught my gaze, and called for me.

"Oh, Draco. Do you think you could go find me some water?" Now, outwardly, I was entirely respectful, and didn't hesitate to comply. Inwardly, though, I rolled my eyes, not really in the mood to get lost in the grand hotel.

"Of course," I told her. Then, I turned to Scorpius, who was still obediently holding my hand. "Listen, Scorpius, Harry and I are going to find some water for Hermione to drink. You don't leave her sight. Understood? You are going to sit down in that chair right next to Rose, and you aren't going to cause any trouble."

He sighed. "Yes, dad." I blinked, flaring my nostrils. His choice of words had taken me aback. 'Dad'?

I quickly shook it off. "No trouble.," I warned. "I'll be right back." With that, I got a hold of Harry's arm, and began wandering to the nearest restaurant or pub or place with water.

"Why do I have to go and get lost with you?" He complained.

"Would you rather stay alone?" I asked expectantly.

"No," he mumbled, looking down.


"I rather think Sirius would have loved this place... it just feels his style." Harry was looking around in quiet awe, before grinding to a halt. "Stop, stop." Harry tugged at me. I looked back, pausing.


"You're going the wrong way. I saw a pub just behind us."

I furrowed my brows, peering over Harry's shoulder, where, past some empty tales, was a rectangular pass, on the other side of which had people standing at a pub table. A smile tugged at my lips.

"Well spotted."

Soon after that adventure, Harry and I were able to get water from what we learned was called the Velvet Bar. We brought it to Hermione, who gratefully took it, and soon, we were venturing to our room.

"It seems Kingsley got us a suite. All of us fit in the same room," said Ron.

The room was indeed large. It was an entire suite, complete with two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living area. The three children began running rampant throughout the space immediately.

"The kids stay on the pullout couch, and us adults get either room," Hermione announced. I turned to her, almost ready to protest my son sleeping on the couch. Hermione cut me off before I could say a word.

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