Chapter 60

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—Teddy POV—

"And then I said 'so what if you're scared of snakes? That's not what Hogwarts houses are about!" Luca and I were laughing, sitting together in the bright sunlight of the afternoon. Gabriel, Wendy, John, and I had woken up oddly all well-rested, and we had eaten breakfast with Bonnie and Luca, then we had all just messed around, really. And then we met up with Victorie for lunch, and she asked if we were all willing to fly around on the pitch. Naturally, maybe not so much so, we all agreed.

Nothing was wrong, nothing felt weird. We were just together. Luca and I had started spending more time together, starting a few months earlier. The tension whenever we saw each other started evaporating little by little, but not completely yet. It's still there, hanging above like a raincloud.

Luca, Victorie, and I sat at the stadium, watching over a practice session.

"D'you think Wendy will ever be good at Quidditch? Like, ever?" Luca sniggered.

"Hey, don't be mean," I responded, lightly elbowing him. "He'll get there."

A few moments later, Wendy batted a quaffle just as it was about to enter the hoop, and we cheered. "See?" I laughed as Luca bowed his head and sighed.

"Just a few more practice sessions would do... I'm worried about Bonnie, though," Victorie said, smiling to herself. Luca and I nodded in unison.

"...Gryffindor team. Pssh." Luca said, facing in the direction opposite to mine, presumably hiding a sly smile. I widened my eyes, glancing over at Victorie, who was staring straight at Luca.

"You're in Slytherin!" She huffed, crossing her arms. Luca turned his head back, facing the stadium once again. He slowly turned his head towards her; his eyes bore no emotion, but he wore a smirk. He tucked his curls behind his ear.

"Exactly." Luca crossed his arms. Victorie, still looking at him intently, squinted her eyes in perplexion at him. She eventually scoffed and looked away, placing her hands on her lap. I pursed my lips, unsure of what to do when literally stuck in the middle between these two.

It's also been somewhat like this for the past months with Victorie and Luca. Not exactly going for each other's throats, but going at each other nonetheless.

Seeing that sunset was fast approaching, the three of us made our way onto the field, facing the players. A bit later, Bonnie and Wendy drifted down, commenting on each other's techniques and blunders, bumping shoulders as they walked towards us. Seeing them so close together created this uncomfortable feeling, like they were under the sun's blessed rays and we, being Victorie, Luca and Teddy, were under a cursed storm cloud. I shuffled awkwardly in place, looking down and clearing my throat. I felt both Luca and Victorie's eyes on me. I reckon they were feeling the same thing I was, but with each other so close, they wouldn't dare say a thing to me. Bonnie's gleeful face and Wendy's always stoic one, with slight wrinkles of glee on the corner of his eyes, forced a smile out of me. They stood in front of us for a few seconds, although scanning our faces. Bonnie then swatted some dirt out of her quidditch robes, and raised herself on her tippy toes briefly.

"Well, come on, you grumpy lot. Let's get ready for the final task!"

And so we followed the pair to the Hufflepuff common room. As if the hallways weren't crowded enough, Luca and Victorie had staunchly decided to keep themselves at my sides. No going in front of the other when the wall of students had only a thin opening. None of that. They'd never come in contact with one another. I found my brows furrowing, digging into the space between my eyes as our walk to the common room went on.

Once we had got there, I decided to wait outside for Wendy and Bonnie.

"Hey, Ted," Luca said unexpectedly, grunting, "I'm going to my dorm room for a moment. Don't miss me too much."

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