Chapter 45

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—Harry POV—

I sat down at the desk with a huff, resting my elbow on it and putting my hand to my forehead, feeling my tiredness catching up to me. I felt dazed and fuzzy, as though I'd had too much foul tasting alcohol. My ears were ringing slightly from the events of the last two hours. Slowly, I opened the cream colored folder in front of me. My eyes were promptly met with several sheets of parchment, and a photo attached to the first one. I scowled at it, as though the photo could see me, and moved it out of the way, not wanting to look at the bitch that started this whole problem.

Name: Skeeter, Rita

Aliases: Joanne Rowling, J.K Rowling

Status: Pure-Blood

Sex: Female

Species: Human

Wand: Silver Lime, 10 3/4", Dragon Heartstring

I sighed, flipping the page and trying to find something more worth reading, when I felt a tap on the shoulder.

"Hey, Mate. I convinced Kingsley to let me help you out until the end of the week, when I leave." Ron pulled up a chair and sat beside me, putting two other case files down on the space beside the desk. One for Euphemia, and the other for Thorfinn.

"When'd you get here?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Two hours ago. I just got back from talking to those two idiots," I explained, gesturing to the case files he had.

"Oh, Well, what did they say?" I swallowed, taking a great sigh.

"Not much..." I said, staring out at the desk in front of mine. I took my wand and cast a silencing charm just in case. "They kept raving on and on about how Azkaban wouldn't keep them for long, that the remaining Death Eaters were together again-" a lump caught in my throat. I took a breath. "They did tell us, though, that Voldemort is still dead- thank God. Well, they didn't quite admit to it- but I could gather, from how they kept talking about avenging him, and killing me." I turned back to Ron, who looked at me with something behind his eyes that I couldn't quite gather.

"Has Malfoy... you know..." he gestured to his arm, albeit the wrong one, but I knew what he was saying. I shook my head.

"One night he woke up howling in pain. It was hurting, and he panicked so bad that he began bawling his eyes out, and he wouldn't stop crying..."

"Please no, please, please-"

"Hey, hey. Look at me, Draco , it's fine, it's okay, Draco-"

"I can't do it- I can't- Scorpius- please no, Don't let them take me-"

"-mate," I blinked, startled out of my stupor by Ron, who was shaking me gently by the bicep.

"I- sorry... what?"

"You were saying," he prompted. I stayed staring at him for a second, remembering what we were speaking about.

"Oh, uhm. He could have sworn that meant it was back, and that he was being summoned, but it just... never happened. The pain went away after, I don't know, a half hour? and he wouldn't stop staring at it, convinced that the mark was back and that he just couldn't see it- but it never... it was just the pain that... he said it was the same burning sensation he felt when they would get summoned, during the war,"

"Mate, I'm so sorry... how long ago?"

"Two days... neither of us have really slept since then. He keeps insisting that Something is wrong, that they're back together... but he doesn't understand why the mark..." My voice trailed.

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