Chapter 20

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—Harry POV—

"Harry, my dear! Happy Christmas!" Exclaimed Molly when she answered the door for me, engulfing me into a bone crushing hug. My eyes widened in surprise for a split second before I smiled, hugging her back, allowing the warmth of motherly love to come through me.

"Happy Christmas Molly, how are you?" I struggled to say while being smothered by her embrace. She let go of the hug, holding me firmly by the shoulders.

"Oh, I am just fine, dear. How are you?"

"Oh. Well I'm fine." I said with a smile, glancing over her shoulder to the vast sea of red hair further inside the house.

"Well that's good to hear." She said, pursing her lips and squeezing my cheek. Draco, who had quite patiently been waiting behind me to enter the house- probably too patiently- cleared his throat.

"Oh, Draco Malfoy. It's... good to see you." Said Molly, taking him in a firm two-handed handshake. "I see you're treating my Harry right?"


"Of course, Mrs. Weasley." Said Draco, cutting me off and following his confident words with a nervous gulp and a smile.

"That's Molly to you, dear." She said firmly. I could see the distrust in her eyes, but I also observed her willingness to put it aside for me. I suddenly felt a sad sort of happiness at the realization that Molly really cares about me more than I deserve.

"Hi Molly! Where's Rose?" Piped up Scorpius from slightly behind Draco. Molly's face broke into a wide grin as she opened her mouth to answer Scorpius, but was interrupted by a confident young voice feigning disbelief behind her.

"You don't see me for four months and you're worried about Rose?" Molly stepped aside to reveal Teddy, complete with teal hair and a smug grin. Scorpius' eyes promptly popped out of his head and he ran at Teddy, who opened his arms as the took each other for a brotherly hug, smiling from ear to ear.

"Mum, you're taking Harry all to yourself! Let the poor bloke through!" exclaimed Ron, accompanied by Hermione and Rose.

Molly retreated into the house, but not before giving Ron a firm squeeze on the cheek, similar to what she did to me.

"I should go check on the baby anyway, he's just positively adorable with his babbling and giggling." Just then, she briefly leaned in towards me and Draco secretively, but with a light, giddy air surrounding it.

"I'm already knitting him a sweater." She whispered excitedly before walking off with her posture straight, as if she hadn't said anything. I chuckled, turning towards Draco, who, although expert at hiding it, was definitely nervous. I offered him my arm and he linked them as we finally stepped fully into the house, closing the door behind us.

"Hey mate, sorry about mum, she's been real happy since she found out you were joining us this year." commented Ron with a smile.

"It's fine." I told him honestly. "When do you plan to announce?" I gestured towards Hermione's belly, which had not yet begun to show any signs of pregnancy- at least, none I could see.

"When Molly serves the Christmas pudding." Replied Hermione with a smile. "Now, enough of us, we already had our time together earlier today. There's loads of people here that'd love to see you." she finished. Before I could protest she and Ron were being dragged away by another person who I didn't have the energy to try and identify past the blur of red that indicated it was a Weasley. There was someone who I saw clear as day, hair red and ablaze as ever, holding a small child in her arms.


I stood still, glad that she didn't notice me looking at her. Once she finished setting James Sirius down and fixing his clothes, making small cooing noises at him, she quickly glanced up and pursed her lips. I looked down, and from my peripheral vision I could see others leaving for the backyard while the kids went into the sitting room.

Risen- Drarry COMPLETETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang