Chapter 57

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—Teddy POV—

I was laying awake in my bed, staring at the ceiling as if I could look at the stars above it. The Astronomy students are probably doing that at this very moment; tracing constellations, marking planets and stars, hoping to find a path beyond there. I rolled over, sighing and curling into myself. I clutched at my sides, feeling a tinge of hunger. Looking out at the rest of the beds, everyone else was asleep, including John and Wendy. I couldn't see Gabriel from this angle, but I'm sure he was asleep. Or listening to his music with a silencing charm on. It was alright either way. I can just... Stay here.

I turned to the other side of my bed, looking over at the clutter of clothes I've accumulated. I slowly reached over, grazing the edge of the scarf Victorie had Molly make for me. It was too grand of a gesture, but I appreciate it. As my hand was about to go back to my side, I quickly reached forward again, grabbed the scarf and held it tightly, catching some of Victorie's strawberry scent, which took me by surprise. I let out a hum. Making up my mind, I decided to try to sleep again.

...But I couldn't. I kept tossing and turning, even with the comforting scarf still in my arms. I threw my arms at my sides in frustration, staring at the ceiling again.

Eventually morning came. I saw the sun rise over the horizon, and even though the day was just beginning, I felt my eyelids become heavier and heavier. From my sprawled position on the bed, I felt myself sinking more and more into it.

"Good morning, Teddy! We're going to be late, c'mon!"

I felt a tugging at my extended arm. Opening my eyes and blinking a few times, I saw Gabriel holding my arm, John standing behind him, head cocked to the side with his hands in his pockets. He turned away before I shuffled a little, sitting up. Gabriel still stared at me, slightly tugging at my hands.

"Oh, what time is it? And..." I craned my neck to look at the empty bed behind them. "Where's Wendy?"

"He went on ahead. Ño, Bonnie too, and you know those two don't go anywhere without the other."

"...Right." I turned away, looking down at my covers. After a few moments, I sighed and got out of my sheets, grumbling as I stumbled over to my suitcase to get dressed. Gabriel took that opportunity to leave, John following behind him, closing the door.

After getting dressed, I briskly walked to the Great Hall, hoping to get at least a bite of food before classes started. The halls were getting increasingly packed, everyone lining up to get into their classrooms. Along the hallway, the number of people kept growing into one particular spot, eventually partly blocking off the entrance to the hall. I had to sidle my way between people, getting looks as I did so. While making my way through the crowd, and getting stuck on one particularly impenetrable wall of students, I overheard some yells and raised voices different from everyone else's.  

"What did I say? You've got one last chance to behave yourself-"

"I don't care! You people never gave me a reason to stay anyway. You're all blind to what's going on, are you seriously that dense?"

"Are you really insulting the headmistress, young lady? Not that my position holds much importance to you, but are you sure about following this path?"

"...The castle walls aren't impenetrable. One way or another-"


Nearly all chatter stopped as McGonagall's booming voice interrupted the other. A few moments after, the door to the classroom was slammed open, taking some poor soul with it; I had to dodge it to avoid the same fate. Out of the classroom walked a tall girl with silver hair, the tips of which were blue. For a moment, I panicked, thinking I'd seen another metamorphmagus, but upon seeing the faded color on the ends of her hair, I knew she wasn't one. She didn't so much as glance behind as she stepped further into the hall, yelling curses as she pushed people away from her. I gulped and started walking forward, looking downwards. As I was trying to take advantage of the path she had made for herself to move out of the crowd, I felt a hard impact on my shoulder, causing my side to rear back. I clutched my shoulder, hearing a biting voice before I could continue forward.

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