Chapter 52

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^^^Some music from the guest band playing at the Yule Ball

—Teddy POV—



I exhaled and threw my hands on my lap, rubbing back and forth.

"I don't think I have anything to wear for tonight," I grimaced while turning my head to Wendy.

"What?! And you waited to say that until today? Are you mad?" Wendy exclaimed shortly before pacing and the dormitory, which caused a few heads to turn. I threw my head back.

"'Ño, what's going on here?" Gabriel peeked his head around the dormitory door, upon which he saw Wendy angrily pacing around and grimaced.

"Yeesh. What's gotten into him?" He asked, facing me.

"This bloke doesn't have anything to wear for the Yule Ball and he tells me this just now!" Wendy exploded on both of us, then placed his hand on his hips and sighed with a disdainful look on his face.

"It's breakfast soon, but I will find you something to wear. Now, let's go."

Wendy, Gabriel and I walked down the hall. Wendy walked proudly in front. Me and Gabriel looked at each other, snickering occasionally. But I did notice that, when I looked at him to make another joke, he would be looking down with his lips pursed and his cheek sucked in. I looked in front of me again, deciding not to ask him about it now, focusing on the path ahead.

I couldn't focus for long, as I soon bumped shoulders with someone. I looked back to see who it was and... There was Luca. As we walked in opposite directions, everything stopped. I could only look at him, my mouth slightly opened; looking at his freckles, his eyes, his lips, hoping to catch whatever detail of his face I could before it was whisked away. He said nothing, though I'm sure I would've heard it even in this crowded hall. He only gave me a smile.

Suddenly, I felt a hard smack on my forehead.


"Ow... Good morning, Teddy," I heard a high-pitched voice giggle in front of me.

"Oh, good morning Victorie... S-Sorry," I stuttered, rushing to help her up and pick up some of her books that had dropped to the floor. I extended my hand to her, which she grasped with a surprisingly firm grip.

"It's alright, Ted. Why were you turning your head anyways? You do know you have to look ahead to do anything... I think you should've learned that in bowling," she chuckled.

I laughed nervously, feeling my face go red, my hand going to rub the back of my neck instinctively. "Well, it's... Um..."

"Hey! It's about to be time for class, erm... We should move along for breakfast," Gabriel suddenly interrupted, which caused me and Victorie to turn towards him. His eyes were wide and his neck craned forward, as if he was ready for a projectile to come whizzing out of someone's wand. I pursed my lips, glad that Gabriel had such a penchant for talking. He cleared his throat.

"Okay, well, I shouldn't keep you..." Victorie brushed off her robe and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She gave me a sweet smile and an unexpected gentle pat on the shoulder as she walked off.

"See you tonight, Ted!"

I cleared my throat and tightened the tie around my neck a bit more than I would have liked, but I didn't fix it. My friends and I continued to make our way to the Great Hall, but not before I got some half-disappointed, half-amused look from my friends. I had to stop myself from barking remarks at them as I felt my face grow even hotter.

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