Chapter 44

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—Harry POV—

There's really just something about newborn children that make a grin crack wide on your face- even after hearing news that Euphemia and Thorfinn Rowle are the ones responsible for almost killing your best friend.

"I think he likes you," began Hermione, watching her baby with caring eyes. "Here, we should set him down now." Hermione stood from her seat, taking Hugo gently from my arms and carrying him to his cot only a few feet from us. We were currently all in the living room at Ron and Hermione's house discussing what had happened to Ron the day Hugo was born.

"So," began Draco, "What did they say again?"

"The Dark Lord lives on," replied Ron.

I felt all eyes settle on me, silence thick. I pointedly avoided their gaze, wishing I had Hugo to hold again, so I could focus on holding properly and have an excuse to not listen to the conversation. In my periphery I saw Draco pass a hand up and down his arm before crossing them.

"Harry," began Hermione. I huffed in response. "You... this can't be. He's dead. You know that, we do..."

"We don't really know anything, though, do we?" asked Ron. "And... Skeeter, I wonder what she had to do with all of this."

"Did you guys catch them," asked Draco, voice strained slightly.

"Yes, They're in custody. Harry; Berrycloth says that Kingsley wants you to question them." I swallowed. All eyes settled on me again.

"Harry?" That was Draco's voice.

I didn't respond.

"And why him? He doesn't work for them. Shouldn't Kingsley have an actual Auror doing the interrogating?" Draco asked, his voice defensive.

"He's right," began Hermione. "It's not fair to Harry. He left the ministry for a reason. They have no right to drag him into this."

"Honestly?" began Ron, leaning in. Everyone else did too. I stayed in my spot, eyes trained to Hugo's cot. "I think he's a bit scared, what with everything that happened last time. I think Kingsley is worried that Harry is the only person who can handle anything related to Voldemort." I looked up at Ron, who was already looking at me sympathetically. "I'm sorry, mate. I'm doing everything I can, but if Kingsley is barring us from doing our job because he wants you to do it, it's tough-"

Draco jumped in with a retaliation on the tip of his tongue: "But didn't you say at the hospital last week that you were quitting? Just do it. What's the worst that happens, you get sacked? You've already put in your two weeks notice-"

"I need to be there for my family, Malfoy-"

"One hour in an interrogation room does nothing to your precious 'family time'-"

"I need to be there for Hermione, she can't take care of two children on her own, I won't let her-"

"Who says she can't?! I raised Scorpius in Muggle America, for Christ's sake! I didn't know anything about the Muggle World, about America, and I managed for seven years alone!"

The room fell quiet, before Hugo burst out crying, startled by Draco and Ron's yelling. Hermione scooped him up, making her way upstairs and away from the conversation without another word.

"Get out of my house," Ron growled, voice low and eyes dark.

Draco faltered. "Excuse me?"

"Oh don't get all entitled on me now. It's not my fault your wife left you and your son." I stood abruptly, inching towards Draco, eyes skating between him and Ron.

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