Chapter 24

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—Teddy POV—

Nobody mentions how easy it is to sneak around Hogwarts at night. It's just one of those things you figure out for yourself. Another thing nobody mentions is how cold it can get at night. At the moment, all I could think was that I really just needed a spot to warm up in. 

I whipped my head around, having sworn that there was some sound coming from behind, but I saw nothing. Taking an anxious breath, I continued on. Just focus on the way the castle looks in the moonlight, the calming sound of the leaves rustling in the wind- the wind that is now making me very cold. I need a place to get warm.

Just then, I jumped back at the jarring sound of the walls moving. I turned over in shock, to find a grand door forming. I stared up at it, open mouthed, and frozen in place. This is probably the part where I go back to my dormitory and pretend I never saw this.

Another gust of wind, followed by a creaking sound coming from behind me, made me rush through the door.

Inside the room was a lit fireplace, whose warmth I could feel from here. I walked further into the area, peering back at the sound of the door closing. The fire may have been quite pleasantly warm, but it wasn't as bright. Staring back at the door, I could have sworn I saw something, but fear coupled with wanting to stay closer to the fire, made me not want to find out.

I turned back around, examining the room with a gulp. There was a seat long seat that looked as though it would be part of the sofa at gandmums, a royal red carpet, and a grand ornate, golden-framed mirror. I narrowed my eyes, walking closer to it.

My lips parted, and my eyes widened slightly in disbelief. Great sorrow and pure joy flooded through me at the same time as I stared into the mirror. A sob escaped me, and I immediately covered my mouth, sitting down criss-cross and with awe-stricken watery eyes. 

My mother, with her signature bubblegum pink hair gave my reflection a hug, and my father, scar-faced and happy, gave me a kiss atop the crown of my head. Not being able to feel what I was seeing was what finally made a tear slip. I swallowed, lips quivering and throat parched.


My voice was barely above a whisper, raspy and broken.

"Are you really there?"


I gasped, turning around with such force it hurt.

"Luca?" I scrambled up from my spot on the ground, running to him and giving him a hug. I just... really needed a hug.

"What's wrong? What did you see?" He whispered with a confused tone. I began to cry into his nightshirt, gripping the back of it harshly.

"I... I can't, I..." My body was frozen, shaking in place.

"Oh... It's okay, Ted. It's okay, I'm here," Luca said, taken aback by the sudden rush to his side. Not long after, he put his hands on my back, and held me a bit tighter. I only increased my grip on his shirt.

We stayed like that for a while, not really moving for the most part. I sensed Luca trying to make small motions on my back, but they didn't come through. I grabbed onto his shirt as tightly as I could, fearing that if I let go, I would see her again.

I would see her again and she would hold me and tell me she loves me, and I would know it was all fake, that I would never really get to have that. I would never get to tell mum how school was, or what we learned in class, or tell dad how Professor Binns told us he was the first werewolf to receive the Order of Merlin...

My breath hitched, and Luca spoke. "That must not be an ordinary mirror... what did you see?" I hesitantly let go, blinking and sniffling, wiping my eyes.

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