"Christian the closer you get, the tighter his hand gets around my wrist. Please. Just stop."

He stops coming closer and Carson turns back to me. He looks me dead in the eyes, "You got what you wanted. The guys came and saved you, just like they always do. Lucky you." What the hell does that mean?

He raises his free hand but before he has time to do anything, someone grabbed him and he finally lets go of my wrist. I run to Christian, holding onto my own wrist. He pushes me behind him and the guys start standing in front of us.

I notice it was Adam who stopped him. "If you ever think of trying to hurt her again. Think about it before you do. You'll have to get through every single one of us before getting to Christian who will not let you get to her," Travis says as I silently cry behind everybody.

I lean my head on Christian's back and wait for him to leave. The guys start breaking up and spreading out. I move out from behind Christian and find Travis.

"Thank you. Thank you for coming back. Thank you for being there at the right time," I say hugging him.

"It's no problem. I knew something wasn't right and figured I'd bring all of them."

"Thank you."

He nods and I see some of the guys starting to head out. "The team would do anything for you. You're one of us."

I smile and nod. "We'll get this taken care of," Couns says.

The rest of the guys start filing out and I sit down on the couch. "I'm gonna go find David and see if we can figure this out tonight."

I nod, "Okay."

Christian sits down on the floor in front of me. "What do you wanna do?"

"I just want him fired. I won't continue to work with him."

"Can I?" he asks reaching for my shaking hand. I hold my hand out and he flips it over, looking at where he dug his nails into my skin.

He runs his fingers over where he ended up breaking skin since he was pushing so hard. "How bad does it hurt?"

"Right now?"

He nods. "It's not bad. It was worse when he was holding on."

He holds my hand and looks up at me. "He's not going to be here tomorrow, okay? I won't let that happen."

I nod knowing that's a strong possibility. I don't think they'd let him back here after that when there are multiple witnesses and cameras. I rub the back of my head where I hit the wall.

"Did he hit you?" he asks quietly, almost scared to ask or know the answer.

I shake my head, "No. He was walking toward me and I was walking backward and I hit the wall pretty hard. And hit my head."

"You're safe with me, okay?"

"I know."

Once Craig comes back with David and Adam, I have to retell everything that led to this event. Christian, holding my non-hurt hand, squeezing once he hears certain things or remembers the look on my face. I know he saw the fear in my face.

"What do you want us to do? What do you need from us?" David asks as he sits in front of me with his notebook on his lap.

"I want him fired. I don't want this to go any further than these four walls. I don't want to take legal action. But I cannot keep working with him. I won't keep working with him. It's him or me. And I hate admitting that, but I can't work with him."

All Mine - Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now