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"I just want to sit in my room. In the dark. With food. Netflix. My blanket. So I can cry...something you just need a day of crying!"

We all look at her confused as fuck, a minute ago Emma was talking about how excited she is to finish her exams and now this? "Has your social battery drained?" I ask with a smirk.

She nods and groans as her head rests on the table. It's study hall and honestly she was the only one we had left with energy. Everyone else has been tired as fuck and drained from these exams. I knew she wouldn't last long. I'm surprised she lasted in general. Jay has been sleeping for the past ten minutes, I would wack the table but then Ally would probably throw something at me. She's been grouchy all day, Jay says she's on her period and in a lot of pain. I gave her some tablets which she was grateful for and is basically asleep on Jay. It's pretty cute watching them.

The bell rings and we all groan in frustration, we get up and separate. I have basketball practise with Jay as Em has volleyball practise with Ally. As I get changed I look up to see Chelsey staring at me and inwardly roll my eyes. I can't be bothered for her shit today. Once dressed, we all make our way out and I see Jay leaning against the wall with the boys. They all look tired as hell.

The work load recently and the studying, has been too much. Olivia has been in her teacher mode for so long that it's scary. She's been very strict, like times two than usual. She makes us work harder so we can pass and get the grade we want. I'm only exhausted because I have to participate in things I already know.

Jay slides onto the ground and looks up at me, "Just take me home. I give up. Who needs basketball anyway? I can just become a stripper"

I burst out laughing, "I thought you love basketball?"

"I also love fashion. But unfortunately it's easier to get a sports scholarship" He sighs and rests on the ball next to him.

Nearly down I sit next to him, "You know the offer is still there if you want it" He looks at me and glares, shaking his head.

"Izzy I'm not taking your money!"

"Seriously. It's a gift. You're my best friend, let me just help you out"

He sighs and looks down, "Dude I can't accept it I'm sorry"

Then a thought popped in my head, "Yeah it's fine. Just let me know okay?" He nods and hugs me then we hear the coach blow is whistle.


I rub my temple as he talks, "Coach please stop screaming!" He looks at me and starts laughing. As I walk away with the others, I feel my phone vibrate.

OLIVIA: Come home now. It's urgent.

My heart starts racing and I run towards the locker room, ignoring everyone. I grab my bag and keys, heading straight out. Still in my uniform, I jump into my car and race home. I hope she's okay! She isn't answering her cell which is making me worried. Parking up and jumping out the car, Liv stands by the door staring at me which makes me confused.

I walk towards her and she crosses her arms with her brows connected, "Why were you so long?"

"Huh?! What's wrong?! You said it was urgent!"

She pulls me inside and then closes the door, she pulls me down to her level and her lips graze my ear. "I urgently need your dick inside me"

Instantly, everything drops from my hands and I pick her up. Her legs wrap around my waist, "Lets explore the house a bit more" I say with a grin and she connects our lips.

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