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Olivias POV

"Pregnancy looks good on you"

"It's been five minutes" She starts laughing, as I roll my eyes. "We're going to have to tell your parents"

"I'm nineteen! I'm grown! I'm not scared of them!"

"Shut up, you only turned nineteen today you moron"

She stands up and sticks her hand out, I stand up and hold it. We take a breath and walk out the bathroom. I see her parents and very one staring at us. My heart pounding. I'm not prepared! I can't be a mum! This won't work! Please lord save me!

"You speak out loud you know" Izzy whispers. "Don't worry" Her eyes holding faith and trust. I nod and we keep walking in. I see her dad winking and mum squinting. Izzy clears her voice, "Um so we are um"

"Yeah we figured. All them bruises told us a story" Emma says and puts an arm on my shoulders. Izzy glaring at her.

"God you're so much like your father" Her mum says while rolling her eyes but I see the amusement in them as her dad groans and pouts.

"Pull out games weak!" Lee shouts, while laughing. "This is going to be very fun!"

"You guys have to make sure, set a date with a doctor in a couple of days to confirm" Her dad says firmly then smiles.


"Well isn't this just a surprise"

The doctor looks up from his pad, "It's a false positive"

"Yeah I figured"

"Olivia" Izzy says.

"No it's fine, thank you doc" I stand up and walk away hearing the two speaking. I go straight to the car and wait for her, a couple minutes later she comes in.

"How are you feeling?"

"Is it bad that I'm kind of relieved but also sad...I don't know" I sigh. She rubs my back and places a kiss on my head.

"It's okay, it's basically a wake up call"

"What'd you mean?"

"To get condoms" We laugh lightly and go on route to school. We both missed the first two lessons this morning to get there.

As we drive there Izzy doesn't let go of my hand, I know she's been thinking about what I told her on her birthday for the past couple of days. I don't want her to only to be caring because of this, it's something that I've kept for so long. Only Kelly knows, and she never treated me any different because of it.

I look at her to see her looking straight at the road, she's drives really well when it's not a sports car she's in. Her long hair is put down as usual with it ruffled a bit. Her features are strong and beautiful, she has this scar on her lip. Her dad has it too but in a different place on her lip. Her mum told me that it's like she gave birth to another Tyler minus the fact that Izzy looks identical to her mum.

I spoke more with Eli a couple of days ago and he is honestly what they all say. He's very smart, good looking, reserved at times and a nice guy. There's a difference between the brother and sister, Izzy is more loud and outgoing and flirty as for Eli is more calmer and quiet. But I could see once they were together it was like a storm brewing, they were competitive and fighting but not in the bad way.

I see the school in the far corner and Izzy stops the car. I look at her confused, she hops out and passes me the keys. "You go on, we can't come into together and it's lunch so people will be around" I look at her shocked, "No ones seen me drive this car so it's cool"

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