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Sabrina's POV

"What's that?" Ma asks with a large smirk.

"It's nothing" It's is something. Ma has some crazy shit in her office, one being a pick lock and masks. I wonder what her and her friends get up to.

"Lee! Where's my phone?"

"Nat it's here!" Ma shouts back. I was as Mum walks down the stares and looks at me weirdly.

She walks towards me with Ma laughing in the back. "What did you take?"

I sigh and show her, she looks surprised then looks at Ma. "This is your fault!"

"Heyy! It's a good thing! She's finally like me!" I burst out laughing as she nudges mum and places a kiss on my head. "Just try not to get caught" She winks and walks away.

Mum looks at me with disapproval, "It's for a good cause I promise!" I say truthfully.

"What your Ma said, don't get caught" She gives me a hug and walks upstairs.

I knew if mum wouldn't let me then ma would. My parents work with my aunt Clara and Tyler, their also all best friends. It was Aunt Clara that told me about my Ma's secret stash. Let's just say they do a lot of wild things even at this age. The other night I witnessed Tyler covered head to toe with baby powder. My mum glued to her chair and my ma handcuffed to the gate outside. Aunt Clara was sat drinking wine laughing. Prank wars they call it. She won this one.

Izzy and I don't go to the same school, so we don't see each other as much as we'd like. But our families that tight that we see each enough. I needed these things as we're planning to break into Chelsey's house. Just to find anything...we have feeling there's more to this.

I run out the house and get into my car. I drive straight to Izzy's. When I get there the guards let me in and I park up. I see everyone else's cars here too. As soon as I step in I see Cleo drinking some water, she puts it on the side and looks at me with a smile. I shiver slightly at her attention on me. She walks towards me, "Hey"

I smile at her angelic voice, "Hey"

"Enough heying, have you got the stuff?" Monica asks. I roll my eyes and show it to them. She squeals and grabs the bag.

Cleo smiles again and walks off. It's bad that I have feelings for her, she doesn't even live here anymore. She's in England with her boyfriend half the time. We've never kissed, it's just been flirting. But I know where the line is and I would never cross it.

I sigh and walk to the kitchen where I see Olivia drinking coffee. She sees me and smiles brightly then pours me a cup. "You know me too well"

She laughs lightly and nudges me, "I saw you giving googly eyes to Cleo"

I look at her and glare, "It's nothing"

"If you say so. I suggest you tell her how you feel, it would make you feel better. Whether or not she feels the same"

"I'll think about it"


"Just giggle it a bit!" Cleo pressures.

Monica turns around to look at me, "What my ass?"

She groans, "No the fucking lock picker!"

We've been outside for a good ten minutes already. Sage walks towards her and take it off her. She goes on her knees and picks it within ten seconds the door opens. "So you're telling me you could have done this?!"

"I enjoyed watching you suffer" Sage says while shrugging her shoulders, Octavia and Olivia laughing. We all walk inside. The boys stayed at hike with Charlie and Izzy as they look half dead. As we walk in we separate, Cleo and I go into the kitchen.

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