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Kelly's POV

We're all waiting as she's in surgery. It's been four
hours and we still haven't had any updates. Izzy has been pacing up and down, ignoring everyone and everything. I'm on the verge of breaking down, I can't do this right now. She's like a sister to me, our friendship is so strong. I can't lose my best friend. I just can't. I can see the pain in everyone's eyes but Izzy just looks numb with a hint of something else.

Livs parents have been crying as well as Izzys. The family are just waiting at this point. The doctor walks out and we all stand...he looks at us and I refuse to meet his eyes. "We tried our best to stop the bleeding was too much. She didn't make it"


Everything in me broke, I collapsed on the floor. Emma holds me and tears flow down my face. My heart feels like it's stopped beating. The room becomes a mixture of sobs and anger. Her parents are crying her heart out, Izzy's parents doing the same. However Izzy is just stood still, she's staring at him. At the doctor. It's like she is frozen. Jay approaches her and tries to talk to her but nothing. Theres just no response, no fighting back...nothing.

"Can I see her?" We all become silent as she says it quietly.

The doctor nods and we all follow her into the room. When we walk in, there lays Olivia. A blanket covering her body but her dark hair in clear view. I watch as Izzy leans down and closes her eyes as if she's praying. Theres foot steps, we look and see Michael standing by the door. He smiles brightly at us all. "Finally able to see this famous family they talk about!"

"Fucking bastard" Tyler rages and was about to approach him but he points a gun at him.

Clara pulls her back and Michael chuckles more. He looks next to me and I look to see he's looking at Livs parents. "You take my child. I take yours"

The silence in the room is weighing us all down. We've just lost a friend and now we're back to this piece of shit standing in front of us ready to shoot. "Liv baby, say hello" Izzy says calmly.

I watch as Liv walks beside him and puts a gun to his head, "Hello"

She grabs his gun off his hands as he stands there in shock. We're all in shock, Izzy and Liv just smile at each other.



Isabella's POV

When I went to the bathroom earlier, it was because I had a text from Patrick telling me that Michael is outside and watching the building. Apparently he likes looking at his 'Artwork'. On the way out the bathroom, the doctor saw me and told me the good news that the baby and Liv are fine. I was overjoyed but I told him to do me a favour. The favour being to lie to my family and friends. Patrick came in and explained to him what the plan was and the doctor understood.

We have a police force waiting to arresting him, thanks to my dads contacts. One of them being an Agent called Hannah. Apparently she's a badass, I'd love to meet her one day. Was we covered everything, the doctor got one of their dummy's and have it a wig similar to Livs hair, then set it up. Patrick and I spoke to Liv who was awake by then and was fine with the plan. Seeing her okay made me so happy, the first thing she asked about was the baby as she feared that she lost them. I told her everything is okay and she had her spark in her eyes instantly.

When Michael came in the room, it wasn't a surprise. We had a feeling that he would come, when I was leaning down on the dummy, I had radioed Liv to let her know he is there. And here we are, with Liv putting a gun to his head and we smiling in love. It's kinda psychopathic but oh well.

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