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Isabella's POV

I needed fresh air, I just needed to breathe. I feel bad for not listening to her but the anger in me was so high that I didn't want to do something I would regret. I tend to say the wrong things when I'm pissed. I'm currently in the car, driving around. I've been doing that for a couple of hours now, I had to refill my tank. I'm so hungry right now. I want to go back home instead I took a detour and now on my way to the a drive thru. As I come through I order some tacos and fries, then park up in front of this bakery that Olivia likes. I head inside and buy some cupcakes and cookies.

At least then if it's bad news I'm about to hear, I'll hear it with food in my mouth. I sigh and drive home.

I see my car ringing this time it not being Olivia, it's Emma. I answer, "Hello?"


"Em please don't start!"

"No I will start! Don't get me wrong what I saw was bad but this is Olivia we are talking about! She loves you more than anything!"

I sigh and shake my head, "How do you expect me to react? How would you react?!"

"I would cut Kelly's hair in her sleep but that's just me" I chuckle lightly.

"Exactly so you can't blame me for acting like this"

"I'd talk to her first though, it's better to listen and to know the truth. Don't act like a dick, it's unfair if you do" She makes a point. I sigh and end the phone.

Once I get there I see an unfamiliar car parked by the gate, I look and see Olivia come out the car. The person comes out and my jaw drops. It's the man from earlier, he hugs her and she walks through the gate into the house. He drives off and I see my knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel. I feel my anger bubbling back up times ten!

I drive in and park up. Once I get out the car I grab the food and head inside. I see Olivia I'm the kitchen with bloodshot eyes. It makes my heart ache, I wish to just hug her but refrain myself. I put the food down and she looks at it then at me. "Been doing much?"

Why did I say that?

She looks at me confused and I watch her contour into anger, "Where have you been?!"

"Went for a drive...I brought back food" I point to the bag of food.

She sighs, "Can I explain now?" I sit on the bar stool and look at her, I grab myself a taco.

"Why should I listen?"

She looks at me with anger, "I listened to you the many times that you have fucked up. Is it so much to ask for you to listen right now?"

I scoff, "I saw him outside. With you. I'm guessing you're planning your get away?" The anger slipping out of me.

She slaps me across the face, "God dammit just listen to me first!"

I just stare at her then the taco that dropped out of my hand. I get a fresh one and nod in response. Fuck my face is stinging...

"Vincent and I dated back in college. We were together for two years and had an alright relationship" The fact she said 'Alright' bugged me. "He broke up with me and I was left heart broken. We hadn't spoken since until today, he's in town for business. He wanted to take me out...and in the process of asking me...he kissed me"

I feel the pain in my heart once again but instead of saying anything I took a bite of my taco. Food is so calming. "Izzy I don't love him anymore. I stopped loving him a very long time ago. I only love you"

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