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Isabella's POV

"You're infuriating!"

"And you're a whore!"

"And proud!"

"Ugh just get out!"

"I'm sorry I have needs!"

Yeah so our little lovey dovey moment didn't last for long. When Liv left to get changed, Chelsey came to visit me at the hospital and kind of kissed me. Liv saw and walked away before Chelsey saw her. She ignored me, so I did the most rational thing to do. Ignore her back. Chelsey would come over to the hospital for a bit and then leave everyday, once I was released I returned the favour.

We had sex...unfortunately this morning Liv saw the hickeys.

You know what! I can never catch a break! And I'm still in pain!

I should have just stayed home but I wanted to go back to school to catch up on work I missed.

"Go back to your little girlfriend! Stop disturbing me!" She says with anger. We're currently in her classroom, standing face to face.

I scoff, "I'd happily go back to her, she visited me every day! I didn't see you back again once!"

Her eyes lit on fire with anger, she takes a step closer and pushes me in the chest. "I came every night! Every fucking night! Ask the nurses! Ask the fucking doctors!" She huffs and walks backwards, rubbing her temple. "All you ever do is fuck around! We're not together anyway...Just leave Isabella. Now." I see tears form.

I let out a sigh and walk away from her, my head down. Then I remember what Fran told me. I stopped walking and turned back around. I see her head in her hands. I walk towards her and wrapped my arms around her. "I'm sorry..." I whisper, holding her tightly.

She looks at me with sad eyes, "Do you like her?"

"No I don't, not like how you think I do"

She smiles and nods, "Listen I don't want to sound possessive, it's just frustrating seeing that when just hours ago we kissed"

"How about I come over to yours tonight? We have a little date night? We can call that our first date. Can't really go anywhere in public so why not?" I say with a smirk.

"I'm on my period you know, so no funny business"

"Ohhh shucks now I don't want to hang out with you! I was planning to fuck you all night as well!" I say sarcastically earning a laugh from her, "There will be no funny business" I say with a smile and lean down, placing a small kiss on her lips.

She nods and we separate, making my way to my locker. Once I get there I grab my books and put them in my bag. When I close it I see Chelsey staring at me with a wide smile. "I was wondering if you'd like to hang out tonight" She says while tracing her finger down my arm.

I smile at her, "I won't be able to, I'm kind of busy"

Her smile falters, "Oh. Well when you're free, text me" She tries to kiss me but I move my head so it lands on my cheek. I give her a fake smile and nod at her. I see my friends at Ally's locker, I approach them. They're all looking at me with amusement.

Emma puts an arm on my shoulder, "I'm happy to see you shut her down" I roll my eyes as Jay and Ally laugh, "Listen that girl is a pest, I don't know how you don't see it"

"She's sweet Em"

"No she isn't, she's the definition of the cheerleading asshole"

"That's just harsh"

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