Amycus swallowed hard. "I would never have intended—"

"But you did!" Tom roared, his eyes flashed red. "And you are responsible for the deaths of three of my followers children." Nagini hissed and Tom stroked her scales. "What you accomplished, Amycus, wasn't the striking of fear into Britain. It was the destruction of months of my planning. Attacking at such an event, not caring who you murdered, it does nothing but hinder my goals. Dozens of neutral witches and wizards are now dead. You and the fools who followed you didn't care who you struck down."

The kneeling Death Eaters grew more pale with every word Tom said.

"Instead of killing those who oppose me, you slaughtered those who wouldn't defy me," Tom said, "and those who stood by me. Nearly a hundred witches and wizards injured, and do you know how many light witches and wizards you murdered? Fifteen. Do you know how many neutral you murdered? Thirty. Children? Seven. Out of those seven, four were under the age of eleven. Three of those, children of wizards here. Murder muggle children, that is of no consequence to me, but magical children? That will do nothing but hinder people from supporting me."

"I'm—" Amycus began, but Tom held up a silencing hand.

"I will not hear your sniveling apologies," Tom sneered. "All of you betrayed me, but you most of all, Amycus." Tom gestured to Amycus and spoke in parseltongue, "A present, my dear."

Tom saw the moment Amycus realized what was going to happen. He scrambled backwards and tripped, his head smacking the marble floor with a thud that echoed around the room. Nagini opened her mouth, her fangs dripping with venom, and she sunk them into his torso. Amycus screamed, and the remaining traitors were frozen in shock and horror, with the exception of Alecto.

Alecto closed her eyes, and a single tear fell down her cheek, as she tried to block out what was happening to her brother. Tom watched in fascination as Nagini took another bite from Amycus as he attempted to get away from her. A few of the Death Eaters looked ill, but no one turned away.

After a minute, Amycus began to convulse, and his skin turned green from the poison. A whimper like sound escaped Amycus' throat, before Nagini unhinged her jaw and began to swallow him beginning from his head. Tom looked around the room and saw the satisfaction on Bellatrix' face. The room watched in horror and awe, as Nagini finished her meal, no one uttering a word. Several minutes later, Nagini let out a satisfied hiss and slithered up the dais.

Tom stroked Nagini when she slithered back up his throne. "Good girl". Nagini hissed in pleasure.

Tom looked towards the still kneeling Death Eaters and stood. He had never seen such fear, and the looks made him smile maliciously, which compounded their terror.

"I want everyone to see what happens to traitors," Tom said. "To those who think they know what it is I want. When you act without orders, that is the fate that will await you." His gaze landed on Alecto. "I must confess myself disappointed in you, Alecto. I thought you cared about your family more."

"Please," Alecto through herself forward. With her arms bound she fell awkwardly onto her arms. "Leave my children alone. They're children."

"You killed children," Tom said coldly, "why should I not take yours in return?"

"Please!" Alecto lost all composure and began to sob. "Not my children, not my children!"

The Son of Lord VoldemortOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora