Farewell & New Beginning

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Despite his injury and being holding back by a nurse, Mirio entered the room because he want to see Nighteye no matter what.

Nighteye: My only regret is...

Mirio: Sir!

He entered the room and went closer to the bed.

Midoriya: Togata-senpai!

Mirio: Sir! Please, live! You can't die!

Sir Nighteye: You suffered so much because of me... If only... I had been...

Mirio: *crying* It was... because you taught me that I was able to become strong! It because you taught me that I'm living like this now! Please, teach me more!

Sir Nighteye: *in mind* Mirio... Forgive me... At first, I only lured you in as a vessel for One For All. But you followed me and believed in me, and before I knew it, you became my pride... Mirio, you'll be...

He slowly raise his right hand and pat Mirio's head, and at the same time, he use his Quirk on Mirio.

Sir Nighteye: ...fine. You'll become a finer hero than anyone else... This is the only future... that shouldn't be changed.

He smile at them while Mirio, Midoriya and Takeru are crying as he smile at them.

Sir Nighteye: So, smile... Smile... A society without cheer and humor... will not have... a bright future...

He glance at Midoriya and Takeru.

Sir Nighteye: You two as well... Keep supporting Mirio and he'll help you two... Midoriya... Tatsumaki... I'm glad... That I take you two choose... my agency and train along side Mirio...

Midoriya: *crying* Y-Yes, sir...!

Takeru: *crying* I-I got it... Nighteye!

Sir Nighteye: Thanks to you all... I finally able... to smile...

With that final word, his heart stopped. Despite he's gone now, he still keep smiling. No matter what happened or what is going, like All Might always said, face even the threat that you fear with smile will always give you courage.

(Time Skip)

(A/N: Sorry I've made a big mistake, Hikari's age is actually 37. Aizawa and some others address her as "Senpai." But her title in U.A. is still known as the U.A. Demon Princess.)

Takeru sitting on his bed while tears still running down his cheeks. His cap is at the side of his bed. He keep clenching the blanket after Nighteye died.

Takeru: *in mind* So much of a great hero I am... I said I'll saving those in my reach but-- I can't even save Nighteye! I saved Kurogami, but this is...! This is...!

Hikari: Takeru, just let go of it.

He look up and saw Hikari standing in front of him.

Hikari: Takeru, even if anything is done, Nighteye already have said what he want. If you want to cry, then do it.

Takeru: M-Mom...

Hikari: Nighteye is my friend when we work as All Might's sidekicks. Even now when in different agency after leaving All Might Agency, he work hard everyday. I'm sad as much as you am.

She take a sit closer to the bed before she hug Takeru and bring him closer.

Hikari: Just let go... What you really want to let out.

In her hug, Takeru just cry while shout lightly and he hug Hikari back. He continue to cry for Nighteye's death. He wanted to save all the life he can reach but he failed this time. Hikari lightly patting Takeru's back. After that, Recovery Girl use her Quirk to heal Takeru's current injuries. Due his stamina reduce, Takeru feel really tired and fall asleep. Recovery Girl stand next to Hikari.

Kamen Rider x Boku no Hero Academia: We are Hero (Part 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon