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"Wake up. We don't want to be late," Jimin urges you, shaking you under the covers.

You groan and push him away. "It's not like we have a flight to catch. It's just a road trip."

Jimin snatches the blanket from you and tosses it on the floor. "I don't want to head out too late."

You pull a pillow over your eyes but Jimin takes that from you as well.

"What time is it anyway?" you ask, annoyed.

"7 am. Now get up," he demands, wrapping his arms around your body and lifting you up. You try to fight him off but he begins tickling you, and you fall onto the bed laughing while also upset that you're being awakened like this.

When you can barely catch your breath between tickles, he lets up and looks down at you with his arms crossed. The corners of his lips spread into a wide smile.

"Cute," he says.

You grab a pillow from his side of the bed and quickly throw it at him while simultaneously rolling out of bed and preparing to run away, but he lets the pillow fall and grabs you from behind, picking you up and twirling you in a circle.

"Don't run from me," he sternly says into your ear.

You try to wriggle out of his arms but he doesn't budge. He carries you to the bathroom sink and places your toothbrush in your hand.

"Meet me at the car in fifteen minutes or I'll leave without you," he warns.

You scoff and wet your toothbrush before applying toothpaste. "Yeah, okay. How are you gonna go on the trip by yourself?"

He leaves without answering your question, and you close your eyes, leaning against the sink while brushing your teeth. He's charming, isn't he?

You make it to the kitchen after dressing in something simple for the road and pack some sweet bread in your purse in case you get hungry.

When you exit the house, you see Jimin still packing the rental SUV with your luggages. You skip on your feet towards him and offer a hand but he refuses.

"You can sit in the car. I'll handle the bags," he says confidently.

You giggle and peak into the trunk. "You can fit more in this space if you stack the luggages," you advise.

He immediately heeds your advice and silently nods his head. His lips poke out as he focuses on fitting everything inside neatly.

You settle into the passenger seat and wait for him to start the engine.

The road trip should take one week to get to the southern end of the country, and then you'll be spending a week in Jeju island, then another one week to get back home.

Although you've discussed the trip together, it still feels pretty spontaneous.

He finally gets into the driver's seat and pushes his hair back from his face. "Here we go," he says, pulling out of the driveway.

You sit back in your seat and turn your head enough to watch him drive. Still feeling sleepy, you doze off with him in your sights, hoping to see him in your dreams as well.


You make a few pit stops along the way. It's only the first day of the road trip, and you're super hungry.

Jimin buys you food and loads of snacks to keep you happy and quiet during the ride. You thank him with kisses and promise to share your snacks with him.

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