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You awaken with regret. It wasn't just a silly dream. You really are alone.

Showering feels different when his hands aren't gliding over your smooth body, and dressing doesn't feel the same when his eyes aren't glued to your hourglass frame. But there's nothing you can do about it right now. You can't miss a day of work over a broken heart. It's just not a good excuse.

As you wait for an Uber, you fiddle with your phone and hover a finger over Jimin's contact. You haven't called him because you're afraid he'll say he hates you, but you know the longer you wait, the further you lose him. Your heart races as you anticipate his answer. Please, you hope he answers.

The incessant ringing is replaced by the static of an empty room. "Y/N."

"Jimin," you gasp. "I'm so–"

"Don't call me," he abruptly says, hanging up before you could say what you wanted.

You slowly bring the phone down from your ear and nod your head. Okay, maybe you deserve that. You won't contact him again today but you'll try again the next day, and the day after that, too, if he still hasn't forgiven you. He can't ignore you forever. The grand opening at the mall is in a week, and he's already invested as much as you have in the production. You'll find him there if all else fails.

The boutique is quiet before the girls arrive and then bustling with vivacity when Lisa twirls inside. She tangoes through the store and laughs as she stumbles into a mannequin and dances with it until she's dizzy.

"Had a good birthday?" Joonhee speculates.

Lisa leans against a display table and sighs. "I had more than I wished for," she gushes. "I remember what I love the most about Jungkook. He's the absolute best in bed. We were up all night but somehow I feel so refreshed."

The girls bombard her with a grotesque curiosity regarding how long he lasts in a single round, how many fingers he uses during foreplay, and what tricks he does with his tongue. You grimace and grovel to your desk. So, Jungkook ruined your relationship and repaired his own all in the same night? How cruel. That should be a criminal offense.

You pull out the swatch booklet that Jimin dropped off a week ago and shuffle through the vibrant pages. You haven't yet chosen a color for the wall accents. You notice the little hearts he's drawn onto some of his favorites and run your thumb over the beautiful shades of blues and yellows. Towards the back of the booklet, he's written a message on a black swatch with a silver marker.

The stars are hanging in the sky and we're flying. It's not a dream at all. Don't be afraid and hold my hand. Now we're becoming us.

That's it. You choose black and silver. You choose that message over anything else. You want to hear him say that, and you'll promise to hold his hand and never let go. It should've been that way all along. You wish you'd opened this booklet when he first gave it to you. Why did you put it off until now?

You call one of the workers managing the construction site and inform her of your decision. She heeds the order and immediately sets your plans into motion. The pure white walls and door frames will be outlined in black, and steely black photo frames will stamp the barren walls with a minimalist mood. Furthermore, you request a sculpture of black wings that customers can pose with. Like Jimin said, you're flying and it isn't a dream. It sounds good. But you still feel uneasy.

You walk outside to get some fresh air and find yourself in front of the bakery. You might as well walk inside. Taehyung adoringly helps an elderly couple customize the perfect wedding anniversary cake as you occupy a corner table by the window. You can't bear to be around their happiness right now. You're miserable and they're so freaking cute.

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