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Treading to the textiles store with a handwritten list crumpled in your fist and a big book of ideas in your bag, you feel a hopeful burst of energy that you haven't had in weeks. Winter thickly settles over Seoul, but your ambition blossoms like a daffodil in the springtime.

After moving to Seoul and establishing the boutique you always dreamed about, you finally feel the haunting grips of Ilsan losing their hold on you. You dropped the dead weight and emotional baggage of toxic friendships and a dishonest relationship, laying them to rest before the great escape. For once, everything has aligned perfectly in your favor, and all it required was a year of focusing on yourself. Truly, you haven't felt more free.

You enter the textiles store to be welcomed by beautiful fabrics hanging along the walls and ceilings like romantic decorations. You sail through your favorite aisle of silks and satins, gently gliding your fingertips along the little square samples when a tall man with tattoos enters from the opposite side. He always works the afternoon shift. You silently slip into the next aisle to avoid his assistance; you've stopped asking for help since moving here. Total independence has proven to amplify your insights and strengthen your judgments. A survival instinct, you suppose.

Armed with everything from your checklist, you gracefully head to the register to checkout. Along the way, you're surprised by a sudden disturbance and turn your attention to the endless rolls of fabrics that unravel a few aisles away, spilling over the floor like flowing water. Nearby customers scoff and steal glances at the poor woman who's accidentally caused the mess.

The tattooed man immediately swoops down to collect the spilled fabrics, shushing the woman's sincere apologies and asking if she's okay instead. In no time, the disarray disappears as if nothing's happened. Even if you felt an initial annoyance from the disturbance, his swift kindness and understanding leaves you in awe. He's saved her. How charming is that?

You set your selections by the register, patiently awaiting a cashier's arrival. The tattooed man is still ensuring the customer's wellbeing before resuming with regular business. After another minute, he speeds to you. "Thank you for your patience. Did you find everything okay?" he inquires, diligently scanning the barcodes like a varsity sport.

You nod and smile politely. "Yes, I shop here quite often. Although, we've never actually met. There's usually another guy working the registers," you note, peering into his round eyes and noticing how they sparkle. He grins and shyly drops his gaze, hiding those precious pupils that hold the potential to drown an unknowing observer like yourself.

"Ah, the other guy," he says. "He's not as handsome, is he?"

You chuckle and hand him your credit card, catching sight of his tattoos again. "No, and definitely not as cool," you assure.

Once the monetary and flirtatious transactions are completed, you head to a nearby bakery to pick up some sweets. Through the window, you spot an insanely handsome man in a baker's hat stuffing an entire cake slice into his large mouth. Your own mouth waters at his enjoyment.

"Is it good?" you ask upon entering.

His face pinches as he attempts to smile with a mouth full of cake. You approach the counter, giggling at his absolute innocence and perusing the delicious display after which the baker swallows his dessert and fully flaunts a friendly, boxy smile. You've never seen anything as precious.

"I'm Taehyung. What would you like?"

You tap your finger to your lips, considering your options. "I like what you had."

He smiles cutely and brings his hand to his lightly bearded chin. "Strawberry shortcake. It was sweet."

"Looked like it," you say, licking your lips. He boxes your desired cake and sets it down. As you reach for your wallet, he boxes a second treat. "Oh, no. I'm fine with just one," you object.

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