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You're nervous about touring the list of available retail spaces today and absolutely dreading the "pros and cons" lists you'll be making in bed when it's all over. Your keys jingle in your hand as it trembles with terror. There's one thing that might calm your nerves, so you head there in haste.

"Y/N," Taehyung says with a smile.

"I need a hot chocolate ASAP," you hopelessly sigh. He boils milk right away and prepares a plate with two large marshmallows. You stuff one of the fluffy clouds into your mouth and moan in delight. "Your sweets are the best."

He stifles a laugh. "They were meant for the hot chocolate, but I'm happy to please you either way."

You hide a giggle behind your hand and shake your head. "I just knew I'd feel better if I came here."

He doesn't question what brings you in and he doesn't wonder why you chose his bakery as your escape. He just says, "I'm always here if you need me," and pours the boiled milk over a thick block of chocolate in a tall mug topped with the lone marshmallow. It's so simple but it solves all your problems. If it wasn't still piping hot, you'd take it down in a single gulp.

"Thank you so much."

"No need to thank me. You seemed so desperate for hot chocolate. How could I say no?"

You laugh and set the mug down. He hasn't asked but you want to tell him. "I'm viewing a bunch of empty retail spaces today and I feel sick to my stomach. I'm not sure I should be doing this."

He wipes the counter and throws the towel over his shoulder. "Why not?"

You purse your lips and hunch. "I don't know. I haven't been so sure of anything lately."

"Just do what feels good," he advises.

You furrow your brows and frown. "What feels good doesn't always have a good outcome, especially if I'm the one making that judgment."

"You decided to ask me for hot chocolate." He leans over the counter and licks his pouty lips. "And the outcome looks good to me."

He's not wrong, but, "Buying a retail space is a bit more nerve-racking than buying a cup of hot chocolate."

"You're not buying the hot chocolate. It's my good luck gift to you."

You sigh in good-natured defeat. "Okay. Then, if it feels good, it's good enough for me."

He bites his bottom lip as the upper curls into a boyish smile. "You're pretty easy to convince."

You scoff. "All I heard was 'You're pretty.' I'll thank you for that and leave before I'm late." His laugh ripples in your ears like deep ocean waves and stays with you until you arrive at the first scheduled tour.

The landlord is eating a doughnut and screaming at his cell phone when you step foot on the property. You're instantly disappointed by the lacking visuals and atmosphere. You stay for the tour because you may as well see what it has to offer, but it doesn't feel good in the slightest.

The next few places are relatively the same. One has new linoleum floors and stained walls while another has an indoor fountain that's growing mold. Your favorite space thus far has been a corner shop in a quaint neighborhood but it seems a tad too far from civilization. You definitely have some pros and cons to consider for each location.

The Right Fit | BTS Maknae LineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora