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Taehyung sits on a stool and carefully cuts strawberries into heart shapes. He's painstakingly precise with the knife. He's been at it for five minutes and hasn't lost focus for a second.

"So, should I tell Othello about Romeo?"    

He makes a face. "You know Othello kills Desdemona for cheating, right?"

"Can we not focus on that?" you say. "Othello was a good man and Desdemona was a good wife. Anyway, the infidelity was based on a rumor."

"Okay, but Romeo is from an entirely different play."

You sigh. "I know, but his temperament is too similar to Jungkook's."

He nods, his voluminous hair bouncing over his eyes. "Do you like tragedy?"

You shrug and slump in your seat. "Sure. It's fun when it's Shakespeare."

"And in real life?"

"Hell no. It's not supposed to be like this."

He pouts and holds up a strawberry. "This one's lopsided," he says before touching it to your lips. "Is it delicious?"

You bite the berry and savor the sweetness. "Mhmm."

He smirks and stabs the knife into a chopping block. "A damaged heart is still worth a taste."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Even if your story ends in tragedy like Othello and Desdemona's or Romeo and Juliet's, it's still a good story. Otherwise, no one would read those things."

You consider the metaphor and raise your brows. "So, basically, you're saying it'll end in tragedy either way and I should just make it one hell of a story."

He laughs and snatches the knife. "Just live your life to the fullest. Who cares about a few broken hearts?" He dresses a red velvet cake with pink icing and heart-shaped strawberries. He wasn't very useful in helping you decide what to do about your love life, but he's saved the day with this cake.

"Lisa will love it," you praise. It's her birthday and you want to give her something special. It's the least you can do after inadvertently ruining her relationship. You thank Taehyung and return to the boutique where an interesting scene unfolds.

Lisa wears a diamond tiara and a bouquet of flowers like she's just won a pageant. She smiles with red lips and tears in her eyes. Jungkook sure knows how to make a girl cry. He strokes her cheek and whispers something in her ear that makes her giggle like a schoolgirl. You set the cake on the counter and watch from afar. They seem to be getting along well.

After a few minutes, customers trickle in and Lisa pushes Jungkook away to assist them. He spots you at your desk and strolls over. "I'm glad you guys worked it out."

He raises a brow and chuckles. "I only came to wish her a happy birthday. You're the one I wanted to see."

Your congratulatory expression crumbles. "What we did was a mistake."

"It was no different from any other time."

"Maybe they were all mistakes, too."

He bites his lip and clenches his jaw for a few seconds. "You've changed so much."

"I guess I have. I'm sorry if it hurts you." You notice Lisa's stares from across the room and urge Jungkook to leave. "I don't want to hurt her either."

He taps the desk and backs away obediently, but his next comment proves his belligerence. "I'll be back tonight."


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