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Lisa returns to work the next day and walks past you like a mythical ghost in modern clothing that she doesn't believe in. You trail behind her and linger by the break room door, taking a deep breath as if filling your lung capacity will somehow help to build your courage.

"We should talk."

"Please, it's too embarrassing to do this."

You lean against the wall and let the weight of your shoulders drag you down. "I'm embarrassed, too."

She meets your eyes with enough sorrow to shower a village for an entire season. "I can't even blame you for falling for him. He's amazing, isn't he?"

"I haven't fallen for him," you deny. "We just messed around a few times."

She shakes her head and furrows her brows. "He said something different."

"What did he say?"

"Are you seriously clueless? He's in love with you."

Your skin itches with discomforting chills. "Lisa, I never meant for things to get serious. I really want you guys to work it out."

Your shoulders bump as she brushes past. "I appreciate your well wishes, but none of it matters. He's made up his mind."

You don't move a muscle even after she's gone. You're still unpacking the news she just nuked on you. He's fallen in love so easily, and you'd much rather fall in love after you've settled into riches and your only worry is whether you've set the garden sprinklers on a timer while you vacation in Europe. Is it too far-fetched of a fantasy? Real life is much messier, but a phone call straightens your mood.

"Hi, Jimin."

"There's the voice that can melt the winter snow," he chimes. You can sense his smile on the other side. "I haven't heard from you in a while."

"I'm sorry. I meant to call a million times."

"Why didn't you?"

You sigh and look up at the ceiling. "I don't know."

"I love your honesty," he says, chuckling. "The grand opening at the mall is approaching but we never got to properly celebrate. Let's do it tonight."

You'd love to run away, but should you run from one man to another? "I have too much work to do."

"Don't you want to get away? Ride with me anywhere," he convinces.

It's an offer that feels like the end to an ultimatum. There's just a chance, and you'll regret it if you miss it. "Okay."

Jimin is your investor and you both consented to a platonic partnership, so you'll enjoy the time together without much thought. It'll be nice to spend the night as friends, celebrating an achievement that means so much to you. Otherwise, you'd be celebrating alone which means you wouldn't be celebrating at all.

"Yoonki, I'm leaving with Park Jimin tonight."

She squeals and bites her fingernails with overwhelming enthusiasm. "You're so cool."

"It's not like that," you say, shutting down the undeserved flattery. "We're meeting about work. I need you to lock up the shop tonight. I'll be gone before closing time."

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