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You resisted the urge to call Jimin as an entire night passed, all the while sick with worry about whether that woman was spending the night with him and if he would have the courage to tell you about it later. As crisp daylight invades your dark bubble of negativity, you figure enough time has passed and now you need to know.

"Good morning," he answers right away. "Did you sleep well?"

"Not really."

"Missed me too much, eh?" he cheekily asks.

"I guess I did. Did you miss me?"

"Of course. It's a shame I couldn't kiss you awake. Do you regret it?"

You know he's only teasing but you can't take the joke too lightly. "Did you have company last night?"

"What do you mean?"

Sweat forms on your forehead in anticipation of his answer. You should ask directly. "Did you sleep with her again?" A long pause ensues on his end, and the silence sounds so guilty. "I know she called you. She stopped by my boutique to tell me that much. And I hadn't heard from you at all, so what else am I supposed to think? The last time you were lonely, you happened to fall into her pussy," you accuse.

"Y/N," he slowly drags out. "I slept alone. I didn't call you because I was giving you the space you asked for."

"Okay, you slept alone. But did she stop by at all?" you ask, desperate to know the whole truth.


Your heart shatters. "That's what I thought."

"Nothing happened," he quickly elaborates. "I promise you this."

You bite your lip to forget about the tears stinging your eyes. "You could've at least called to let me know. Instead, you hid it from me."

"It's too complicated right now," he says. "I don't want you to worry about things like that. I just want you to heal." You aren't satisfied with that answer. You still feel that he should've told you. "What are you afraid of?"

Your mind filters through lots of things. There's the fear of losing what you almost had and getting played as revenge. Not to mention the fact that he has every right to sleep with other people after what you did but your jealousy just won't let you accept it. "Nothing," you lie through your teeth.

"Come over tonight," he says. "I want to talk to you."

You hum in agreement.

That phone call failed to make you feel any better. You asked the things you wanted and received decent answers, so why are you sad? You know that the blame belongs to you. Every uncertainty and doubt stems from the fact that you betrayed Jimin even when you arrived at peak happiness with him. If your spirit should be so evil, you can never really feel the full essence of happiness. In conclusion, hurt people hurt people. Namjoon lives inside you like a scarecrow forbidding any amount of joy in or out of your heart.

Between clients, you brainstorm ways of being a better lover—not the sort that's good in bed, but the kind that would make for a good life partner. Up until closing time, you're deep in thought and soiled in self-reflection. To kill your demon, you've got to get close enough to take its head. But what if nothing good comes from meeting with your ex again?

After locking the shop, you drive slowly to Jimin's house and try to register your feelings before you arrive. Are you even upset with him? You don't think so. You're just upset about the way the cards have fallen. At the end of the driveway, he waits for you with his hands in his pockets and his chin pointed to the sky, soaking in the glory of the universe through his perfect pores. When you've parked, he lets you out right away. "How was work?"

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