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While preparing for work the next morning, you wince at the soreness situated between your legs. A simple action such as stepping into a skirt proves to be a massive struggle. You'll definitely be remembering Park Jimin all day.

The drive at dawn is a medicinal experience. The further you ride, the closer you get to the sunrise. It's a smooth sail devoid of swerving cars and yielding pedestrians. Life has been like this lately–incredibly swayed in your favor.

Once inside the boutique, you perform a laundry list of housekeeping duties, tidying and tackling in an hour what would take the girls the whole day. When all is said and done, you sit at your favorite spot by the window and admire the way the sun spreads its golden wings to ascend into the sky.

When the shopgirls arrive, you're given the chance to sneak away and make yourself a cup of coffee in the break room. You take a sip for taste and add more sugar, immersed in achieving the perfect flavor. Just as you've figured out the right amount of creamer, you disappointingly abandon the project following Joonhee's high-pitched squeals. You wipe your hands on your skirt and head back to the storefront.

"Are you new in town?"

"No, but I'm new to this shop," an angelic voice resonates.

"Boutique," Yoonki corrects him. "We're a boutique."

You reach the floor and curiously glance over the scene. Yoonki sassily stands with a hand on her hip, Joonhee holds the man's tattooed hand in both of hers, and Sojin straightens her spine as she realizes your supervision.

"What's going on?" you ask as casually as possible. The girls collide into each other like bumper cars and fall into line off to the side, clearing a path to him. You walk towards Jungkook and grin. "Our roles have switched."

He slightly rocks on his light feet. "Thought I'd see what the inside looks like," he sings.

You proudly gesture to the pristine displays. "All designs are my own. Although, lately, my brain has been unusually barren. I can't seem to come up with anything new."

He puckers his lips and smirks. "Change can inspire good ideas. What if I take you to a place you haven't been before?"

A chuckle escapes your throat. Is he really asking you out like this? "I appreciate the offer, but I can't afford any sort of distractions."

"Then, tell me how I can help," he insists. "You can use me."

You bite your lip and debate resting your faith in him. "Okay," you challenge, "model a few pieces for me, and if you manage to ignite a flame of creativity, I'll accept your original offer." His shoulders bounce as he shyly laughs and presses his fingers to his forehead in careful thought. "Gonna back out?" you ask.

He lifts his head and his eyes suddenly become dark. His hair flops around his head as he shakes it. "I'll do whatever you ask, and I'll do it well."

Pleasantly taken aback by this change in persona, you finalize the deal with a handshake. His grip is strong but you can handle it. The girls clap and cheer until you send them on a mission to curate a brand new style for the amateur model.

"Where would you like to go tonight?" he asks.

You cock your head and peer into the depths of his large, chocolate eyes. "You haven't impressed me yet. Let's not jump the gun."

He smirks mischievously as if he knows something you don't, but before you can investigate his expression, the girls crowd him with heaps of items and propositions.

"Oh, Jungkook, you'll look so good with this sweater. Please try this first," Sojin begs.

Yoonki pushes Sojin aside with a swing of her hips and grabs Jungkook's arms. "Wow, your muscles are huge. You should show them off with the sleeveless turtleneck I selected."

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