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You finally manage to sketch a few pages of designs in your sketch pad.

You take a sip from the hot coffee in front of you and go right into making quick strokes on your paper.

"That's a dramatic look, isn't it?" a deep voice floods your ears.

"It may seem like that at first, but the color palette will be bright. It'll be very elegant," you explain, not daring to look up and break your concentration from the design.

"Hmm, you have a good eye for these things," he observes.

"Taehyung," you say softly. "Please let me focus," you plead.

He chuckles and sips his tea. "Ah, that's hot," he complains, setting the teacup back on its plate.

You glare at him before finishing up your sketch. After the last stroke of your pen, you shut your book and sigh in relief.

"Thank you for your patience," you gratefully say, downing the rest of your coffee which has gotten quite cold by now.

Taehyung presses his lips together and smiles, shaking his head so that his bangs shake. "No worries," he says. "By the way, I never got to tell you how happy I am for you."

You blush and wave it away. "No need to."

He straightens himself in his seat. "No, I feel like it's necessary. You've gone through a lot already. I want you to know it was all worth it to achieve this outcome."

You feels your eyes stinging as you try your best to hold back tears. "Tae..."

"Please don't lose this man again," he begs. "You're doing so well now. You were a wreck before."

You burst into laughter and throw a napkin at him. "I couldn't have been that bad," you reason.

Taehyung clears his throat and leans forward, lowering his voice. "You cried about him while I was inside you."

Taken aback, you remember that night. You wanted Jimin so badly, and you felt so emotionally comfortable with Tae that you completely let yourself go in the moment.

"Ah, that was embarrassing," you say shyly. "Please forget that."

"Every step you took to get out of your dark place is worth the memory," he riddles.

You nod and stare into his brown eyes. "I'll always remember your kindness, for sure," you say.

Before meeting with Taehyung in person today, you've agreed that it would be inappropriate to continue even a platonic relationship with one another due to the things you've done together.

"I've never met anyone like you, Y/N," he admits. "It was an interesting friendship we had. I hope we can meet in another lifetime and do it all again," he says thoughtfully.

Your eyes veer to the ground and you stare at your shoes. "I keep hearing that. 'There's no one else like you.' What do you mean?"

Taehyung's chuckle sounds like a deep ocean wave tumbling over the shore. "You're a woman who knows what she wants. And as a man, that's so attractive. Men chase you because you're not easy to get. Even when you give a piece, you never give the whole thing. And the best part about it," he continues, "is that it's not an act. You really are this powerful, beautiful, intelligent goddess."

You're so appreciative of his words. You don't know what to say. "I'm speechless."

He shows his boxy smile and looks down into his teacup. "You leave me speechless at times as well."

You almost don't want this hour to end. But you know you'll have to go back home soon. Jimin's waiting for you.

"I don't know how many more times I can say this, but you really helped me a lot," you reiterate. "I only managed to keep going on because you told me I could. I needed you so much, and you were always there—even though I was crying about another man."

After your final confessions to each other, Taehyung pays the bill and you part ways with a handshake.

At your house, he sits in your bed against the pillows and rapidly types something on his laptop.

You sneak into the room and change into more comfortable clothing before slipping under the covers and resting your head on your favorite fluffy pillow.

You stare at his face while he works diligently. Then he suddenly turns to look at you, and you involuntarily smile as an immediate response.

He reaches over to caress your cheek for a second before getting back to work.

Those little moments in the midst of his busy workday make you feel so special and seen.

You close your eyes and still feel his lingering touch on your cheek.

You must have fallen asleep, because you startle when he shuts his laptop and gets out of bed.

"Oh, are you done?" you ask, rubbing your tired eyes.

He nods. "Business is done for the day."

"Not quite," you say, sitting up. "We haven't talked about our trip since last week."

He stows his laptop away and returns to the bed, pulling the blanket over your heads. "I thought you didn't want to go," he remembers. He snakes his arms around you and pulls you in.

"I decided the two of us should take a trip. I'm prepared to promote the girls. They can handle the shop from now on. I just want to live my life with you," you say whole-heartedly.

He kisses your neck and nibbles your ear. "Okay," he whispers. "Spend your life with me."

You let him take the lead in pleasuring you. He seems to like being in control.

Under the blanket, it feels like you two are sharing a sacred secret for nobody else to know. In the darkness, you can't predict where his hands will go next, but he always hits the right spots.

His fingers and mouth take turns in watering your flower. You want to return the favor, but he doesn't give you the chance.

You fit around his member like a glove. The right fit, every time.

He tires you out after a long session. Your limbs fall away from him as he finishes. He kisses your temple and tucks you in. You could get used to this treatment.

As he walks out of the room, he grunts and yells a curse. You sit up and call out, "What's wrong?"

He stumbles back into your view and holds something shiny in his hand. You squint, trying to see what it is.

He collects his pride and briskly walks towards you on the bed. He grabs your hand and slides a cool ring on your finger.

"So, you just threw my ring on the floor?" he questions.

You recognize the ring and laugh. He must've stepped on it. "I was so upset that night I saw you in your driveway that I couldn't bear to wear your ring."

He nods slowly and brings your hand to his lips, kissing your skin softly. "I'm sorry."

"Oh, I don't care anymore," you say. "I'm just so happy to be here with you now."

He embraces you in a tight hug and squeezes you before letting go. "I'm happier than I've ever been," he says.

You spend the better part of the evening planning a road trip together and making an itinerary. After agreeing to only loosely following the agenda and feeling the spontaneous spirit of the trip, you satisfactorily set your phones down and enjoy a warm meal together.

It still feels like a honeymoon. How long will it last?

You'll promote the girls when you see them at the shop tomorrow and inform them of the trip you'll be taking. You don't want to be disturbed for any reason while you're gone.

Things finally feel like they've fallen in your favor, and it feels so good to do what you want without a worry.

As you lay in Jimin's arms tonight, you thank your lucky stars for this kind of love. You didn't do anything in particular to deserve it, but it came to you.

You've fought away this love, ran from it and rejected it. Nonetheless, it managed to infiltrate your life and stick with you.

Thank God you didn't give up on Jimin.

Thank God Jimin didn't give up on you.

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