big time jobs

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"OKAY, THE FIRST to race around the Palm Woods and ring the bell at the front desk wins the Palm Woods 500 Invitational All-Terrain Disc-Cathlon Classic." Kendall stated. Ella stood next to the apartment door, watching the boys warm up for their race.

"And super champion of the world." James added.

"And wins the Palm Woods 500 World Cup." Ella exclaimed, holding up the aluminum foil trophy she spent two hours making.

"You will be mine!" Logan and Carlos cried out.

"No, mine!"

"No, mine!" They argued.

"On your marks..." Ella started as the boys got in position, a determined look on each of their faces. "Get set...go!" She shouted, opening the door for the boys to run.

As they raced out the exit, Ella picked up the trophy, taking the elevator down to the lobby to announce the winner.

When she walked to the front desk, Bitters slowly stopped eating his pasta, and the girl waved to him with a smile.

Ella smirked, hearing the boys clamor in the lobby and race towards the front desk as Bitters had a look of fear on his face. He went under his desk just in time for the guys to jump, pressing the bell and landing behind the counter.

Ella stifled a laugh and covered her mouth as the four boys stood up waiting for the winner to be revealed.

"It's Carlos!" She exclaimed as he cheered, while all the other boys groaned in disappointment.

He ran over to the trophy, giving it a kiss and jumping up and down with excitement.

Bitters shoved his way through the guys with a mad expression on his face.

"You are all going to pay for this!" He screamed as the five teens looked at each other guiltily.


"$2000?" Gustavo yelled, making the group flinch.

"And 30 cents," added Bitters with a smug smile. "They destroyed the Palm Woods' computerized registration system, two lamps, three vases, and my pants."

Ella took in a sharp breath, looking at the man's pants covered in spaghetti sauce.

"But I won the Palm Woods 500 World Cup!" Carlos boasted, holding up the trophy.

Kelly ripped a check, walking over to Bitters. "Here you go."

"Well, guess that settles it." Kendall said as the group got up from the couch.

"No, because I'm sick and tired of you Dogs breaking stuff!" Gustavo shouted.

"We don't break stuff!" The four boys denied.

"Uh, yes we do." Ella winced, remembering that time they broke through one of the studio walls by pushing Carlos on the egg chair. She and Kendall also couldn't control their temper when James waltzed into the recording studio, bragging about his pink smoothie as they knocked it from his hands onto the control panel, making it spark and the music distort. And she definitely didn't forget about the time they crashed a golf cart into one of the cabanas at the Palm Woods pool. Ella had the long-lasting bruise to prove it.

"Okay, so we do put a little wear and tear on things from time to time." Kendall admitted.

"Sorry." Ella said, looking down at her feet.

"But that's showbiz, right?" James asked.

"Wrong, and it's time you take responsibility for your actions by paying me back my $2000!" Gustavo screamed, pointing at the bill.

𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 [kendall knight]Where stories live. Discover now