big time movie ₂

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"My sensors detect police in the vicinity, therefore, I have calculated the perfect disguises to get you to your destination in Hyde Park."

THE GROUP STEPPED out of the van in their new looks.

Penny wore a traditional school girl outfit with braids and fake glasses. Kendall had a long brown wig and dressed in a white tracksuit. Carlos' hair was done into a mohawk and he wore a leather jacket and sunglasses. James also had on a long brown wig with a purple and magenta band around his head and put on a blue dress shirt. And Logan had a light brown dog suit on. Ella begrudgingly left the vehicle, wearing a long, champagne colored dress with a studded top and a tiara on her head.

Yeah, Carlos' dream was really coming true, she thought, rolling her eyes.

"How is this in any way discreet?" She complained, stepping out the car, hearing the snickers from the boys at her elaborate outfit.

"You're a princess." Carlos gasped in awe, receiving a smack on the shoulder from the girl in response.

"Yeah, is this all really necessary?" Logan questioned from inside the dog suit, gesturing to the group's disguises.

"Well, it looks better than that rubbish you wear onstage," the Van remarked.

"Okay, that's it!" Kendall snapped. "Can your sensors detect this?"

"Don't!" Penny protested, however Kendall kicked the van behind him, causing the van to retaliate by hitting him with the door.

"I have had enough." The Van huffed. "They are unauthorized and denied all van access."

The Van's doors locked and the boys turned around, repeatedly banging on the side of the car to let them in.

"Okay. We can work this out." Kendall assured. "We are hench-boys for the daughter of a secret agent and also on Britain's Most Wanted List, but we've been in worst situations, right?" He laughed nervously.

"Not even close," the rest of the group stated in unison.

"We can work it out!" Kendall exclaimed.

"The park is across the street. Split up." Penny advised. James immediately shot up next to her, while Ella looked confused with the boys as to how he got there so quickly. "Avoid police, any fans who have arrived for the concert early, and good luck."

With that, everyone went their own ways.

Ella walked with Logan and Kendall around the park, hoping that they didn't mess their soundcheck.

"Okay, I know I complained about being a princess, but at least the van didn't put me in a dog suit." Ella teased as Kendall stifled in a laugh from besides her.

Logan chuckled sarcastically, the dog head still on him, before growing serious. "I hate you."

"No, you don't," she sang out.

They made their way over to the dog area of the park and Kendall pretended to train Logan as if he was a real animal.

Ella sat on the grass, watching her friends as Logan rolled on the grass. "Real cute, guys." Seeing a woman carry her chihuahua, the girl politely waved at her as she looked at the group with a puzzled expression.

They started walking over to the concert stage, but they briefly turned around, seeing the chihuahua start running after them, prompting them to break out into a sprint.

While the tiny dog chased them, Logan and Kendall managed to rip off their disguises, while Ella lifted up her dress, struggling to run in the heels the stupid Van gave her.

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