big time moms (bonus)

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"Hi, Eleanor."

SIMILAR TO BROOKE Diamond, Elizabeth Reed worked in business. Her and Ella's father owned a famous fashion brand in the midwest. They had stores all over the world and they were constantly traveling because of it. This was the first Ella's seen her mother in person in over a year. Sure, they've talked on the phone once every couple months, but that was not at all the same.

After many countless times her parents failed to be there for her, Ella formed an emotional wall around herself when it came to them. She was hurt and had every right to be.

The room fell silent as everyone watched the mother and daughter from inside the bouncy house, not knowing what to do.

Sensing the tension, Ella gestured to her mom to go out in the hallway so they could talk privately.

"What are you doing here?" The girl wondered, once the door shut.

Her mom took a deep breath, before explaining. "This morning, Sylvia and Joanna showed up at our house. They confronted me about my actions and I realized that I haven't been fair to you."

Ella scoffed, upset to hear that it took her this long to realize and that her best friends' mothers had to be the ones to tell her. "You didn't have some random country to be in today?"

Elizabeth crossed her arms, matching her daughter's stance. "Well, I'll be honest, Eleanor. After my conversation with them, I went to the airport with your father for our meeting in London, but I just couldn't go. I switched my flight to come to L.A. instead because I just needed to make things right with you."

Ella's eyes softened a bit, seeing that her mom's words were genuine, but they hardened again. "Isn't it 10 years too late?" She grumbled.

"Eleanor, please," she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I know that you may think that I am the worst mother in the world, but I am trying to be a better one for you now."

The girl deflated, slumping her shoulders. "You're not the worst mom in the world. I-I'm hurt. You haven't been there for me in years. You and dad weren't there when I needed you. I woke up and came home to an empty house. I spent more time with the Knight's than I did with you guys. I had to spend Christmas alone for the first time at 10 years old. You haven't celebrated my birthday since I was 9. You didn't even know that I went back to Minnesota for two days. It's like you forgot you had a daughter." At this point, Ella didn't realize she was crying until she felt her face, feeling the tears come down. "And the worst part is that I've made peace with it a long time ago."

Ella met her mother's gaze, seeing tears also well up in her eyes. She leaned over, wiping the tears off her daughter's face. "I am so sorry, honey. I swear I will do better. Your father and I, we will do better."

"You can't just say that." Ella said quietly, shaking her head. "I can't trust you until I see it."

"We will, I promise. We will come up with ways and we will work on it as a family."

"What about your job?" Ella asked.

Work and money has always been a sensitive topic. The Reed family worked hard to get to where they were now, which was why they were so indulged in their business.

"Eleanor, you know that work has always been important to me and your father. We always just wanted to provide you with the best, but I see now that it's gone too far. Work will always be a necessity, but it's worth sacrificing for more important things in life. As soon as I get back to Minnesota, we will adjust our work schedule."

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