big time event

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"I'm going to ask you one last time. Are you sure? You seem hesitant."

"Yeah, it's just hair. It'll grow back. I need a change anyways."

"If you don't mind my asking, what happened?"

"Long story short, my best friend of 12 years slash ex-boyfriend cheated on me. I found him and my friend kissing in an elevator even after he told me there was nothing going on. Then, he tells me that he actually has feelings for her, so come to think of it, the last two months of our relationship were set on lies."


"Tell me about it."

"Oh, I forgot to ask. What do you want?"

"Surprise me."


Ella happily walked out of the hair salon, running her hands through her soft blonde locks, her new bardot bangs blowing in the cool breeze. After that dark week she had, she was ready to fall back into her old habits and be herself again. It was so unlike her to fall apart the way she had. Ending things with Kendall had left a bigger impact on her than she thought it would. She couldn't blame herself though. He was the only person that knew her, that understood her in ways no one else ever had. She allowed herself to really open up to him, so when he was gone, she couldn't help but feel lost for a couple of days. If it weren't for Jo and the rest of the guys, she would probably still be in bed right now with no second album and no job.

Speaking of her second album, On Purpose was doing extremely well on the charts. The positive reviews were overwhelming, and it amazed her to see everyone enjoying it. Magazines seemed to like the new sound she was putting out and believed that this album was an even bigger hit than the first. It was all she ever wanted. It's been a month since its release and embarrassingly enough, Ella hasn't been on her A-game when it came to being active. She thanked her fans for streaming the album on social media sites and did interviews through magazines, but there hasn't been anything significant planned.

She wasn't even surprised when Griffin called her during her walk back to the Palm Woods.

"Hey, Griffin," she said hesitantly. It was no secret that the man was money hungry and wanted good publicity. Pop artist Ella Reed making headlines, but not planning any tours, meet and greets, or in-person interviews must've been driving him crazy.

"Ella, you're invited to a Young Hollywood Party tonight. It's in Hollywood and I'm forcing you to attend." The CEO spoke bluntly.

Ella sighed. Interviews and meet and greets were one thing, but an extravagant Hollywood party was on a completely different planet. "Griffin, I'm not sure if I'm really up for it-"

"Guess what?" Griffin interrupted. "You're going. Your album was released last month and you need some exposure. You need to be seen out in public again or the fans will think you're dead. Walk the red carpet, dance to music, interact with the guests, I don't care. You just need to be there tonight."


"Griffin, out."

He hung up immediately, leaving Ella dazed on the sidewalk. On one hand, she was intrigued to go to a Hollywood party. She had never been to one before. The only party she's ever attended were ones thrown by the guys at the Palm Woods and that was far from the glamorous lifestyle and red carpet that Hollywood had to offer. However, she was worried and admittedly scared to go. Was Big Time Rush invited too? Would she have to walk the red carpet with Kendall? Was it weird for her to show up at all?

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