big time school of rocque

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ELLA STOOD WITH Logan, Kendall, and Carlos as they stared at James peacefully sleeping on a chair in the Palm Woods pool. It took everything in the group to move him without waking him up, but they were successful due to how heavy of a sleeper James was.

"Is it time?" Logan asked.

"It's time." Kendall and Ella answered together.

"Carlos, do the honors." She turned to the boy on her left as she waited for the chaos to ensue.

Carlos took a second before cupping his mouth with his hands and yelling, "Whoa! Free hair gel!"

James quickly shot up from his sleeping position and cried out, "Where?" before falling into the pool.

Ella and the rest of the boys laughed hysterically as they saw their friend frantically come up from underwater.

"Yeah, funny. Real funny!" James exclaimed, splashing water everywhere. "Now where's the free hair gel?"

"Oh, James. You are way too naive." The girl said, laughing even louder.

The boy glared at her in defeat as Carlos spoke, "How sweet is this? It's like a vacation, with singing. It's a 'sing-cation."

Ella shook her head at her friend's stupid pun, when Kelly walked up to the group. "Okay, guys, dry off and get dressed, it's time to hit the studio," she informed.

"Kelly!" Kendall exclaimed. "What does the great Gustavo Rocque have in store for us today?"

"Harmonies?" Logan questioned.

Ella piped up. "Writing new songs?"

"Breaking down some new dance moves?" asked Carlos, moving his arms.

"A big Hollywood party to get us some red carpet exposure?" James hoped, pointing finger guns.

"Close." Kelly corrected. "You're going to school."

The five teens screamed in horror at the thought of actually learning on this supposed three month "break."


After calming down, the group quickly followed Kelly into the lobby.

"School? You're kidding, right?" Carlos asked, still not believing it.

"Carlos, for the 11th time—I'm not kidding." Kelly said, frustrated. "You all thought you were gonna get three months off from school?"

"It was more 'hope' than 'thought'." Kendall replied.

Kelly pulled out a blue booklet. "According to the Actors, Singers, and Performers Association, kids under 18 in the entertainment industry must attend four hours of school a day. Did you even look at the pamphlets I gave you?"

The five of them shared sheepish smiles and Ella shrugged her shoulders, remembering what she did to hers.

While Kendall violently smashed his paper into a ball to play hockey, Logan skillfully cut his up into paper dolls, James hit a fly with his, throwing it away, and Carlos used it as toilet paper, Ella had a faint memory of rolling her pamphlet up and using it to win a fight between her and the rest of the guys, smacking each of their heads with it.

"Umm, yeah!"

"Yeah, we looked at them."

"A little bit."

"I turned mine into a weapon."

Soon, a bell rang and a bunch of kids shoved Kelly as the rest of the group looked at them curiously.

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