big time anniversary

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October 1, 2011

"WHY ARE YOU closing my eyes, Kendork? We're not even off the bus yet." Ella remarked as she blindly walked down the tour bus hallway with Kendall lightly nudging her from behind, his hands right over her eyes. She whispered, trying to keep it quiet since Logan, James, and Carlos were yet to be awake.

The night before, they finished playing New York and much to Ella's disappointment because they couldn't stick around longer to see New York City in the nighttime, they were rushed back on to their tour bus and on their way to play their last show in Toronto, Canada. Thankfully, Gustavo had gifted them with a one day break in between performing to which the girl was looking forward to relax with her friends. However, now, she was slightly irritated because 20 minutes ago, she was sleeping soundly until she felt her boyfriend shaking her awake at 5 in the morning.

Kendall's cryptic explanation as to why he was doing this went in one ear and out the other as Ella groggily brushed her teeth and put on a pair of sweatpants, one of his hoodies, and his iconic grey beanie, which she used to cover her bed head.

"Shut up, El, you're ruining the surprise." She could hear the grin in his voice, and she finally gave in, letting him take her to to wherever he had up his sleeve.

What she didn't know was that Kendall had spent days convincing Gustavo to let the tour bus make this pit stop for an hour or two. It was a special day for the couple, and Ella knew that. She had expected Kendall to be too exhausted from touring to even plan some ridiculous surprise for their one year anniversary.

"Why can't we just sleep in today?" Ella complained.

Kendall scoffed, "Yeah, because nothing says 'Happy Anniversary!' more than waking up to the sound of our friends arguing over food or a video game."

"Don't act like you don't partake in those too," she teased.

Kendall rolled his eyes despite the fact she couldn't see. "Okay, we're about to go down the stairs." He slowly guided her one step at a time as they reached the door to the bus. "Be careful."

"I wouldn't have to be careful if you had waited to close my eyes until after we got off the stupid bus." Ella snapped, still grumpy from the 3 hours of sleep she got.

Kendall chuckled, opening the door for the two of them. "I forgot you weren't a morning person."

"I'm surprised you did." Ella pointed out. Not only was it slightly chilly, but she could faintly hear a lot of white noise. It sounded like a waterfall. "Kendall..." She trailed with uncertainty. "Where are we?"

With that, she felt his hands lift from her eyes, revealing the place he had brought her too.

She thought she had seen almost everything on tour: the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the castles in Germany, and even a spy van in London. What she didn't expect to see was the beautiful sight of Niagara Falls during sunrise. She gaped in awe at how the light reflected the massive body of water, making everything look magical and unreal.

Talk about top 3 things to see first thing in the morning.

"How...what..." Ella stuttered, looking back and forth between a smirking Kendall and the grand waterfall.

"Happy one-year, El," he said softly.

With that, Ella laughed, standing up on her tippy toes to kiss her boyfriend. She looped her arms around his neck while he held on to her waist, the two lost in their own world.

She pulled back, shaking her head. "I can't believe you did this." Without her persuasion skills, it must've taken forever for him to cajole Gustavo into letting him do this.

"Of course I did. You're my favorite person, remember?"

"You're my favorite person a long shot." Ella smiled. She turned to look back at the view. "Why Niagara Falls?"

"We've been stuck on the tour bus for almost 3 months. I wanted something that was just for us," he explained. "I also remembered seeing your bucket list and waking up for the sunrise was on it."

"I don't even know why that's on there. I never thought it was possible to get me out of bed at the crack of dawn if it wasn't for work." Ella told him.

Kendall smirked, "Guess I'm special."

"Guess you are," she shot back, matching his expression.

The two stood in comfortable silence, staring out at the waterfall. It was absolutely serene. It wasn't until Kendall mumbled, "Look up," their shoulders brushing as they turned their gaze up to the sky. It was a mix of pink and orange now that the sun was starting to rise more.

Ella's eyes widened slightly and her smile grew. With the subtle touch of their shoulders, the peaceful noise of the waterfall, the kaleidoscope of colors of the sunrise, and even the silence, she felt the love for the boy besides her growing.

It was perfect. This was perfect. Ella turned to him, eyes set with determination. She grabbed his hand, "Kendall?"

He turned to look at her, "Yeah?"

She took a deep breath, "I lo-"

"No way!"

The two jumped at the sudden, but familiar voice. They turned around, seeing Carlos run out of their tour bus, their other two friends tiredly following, before their eyes brightened at the sight of Niagara Falls in front of them.

Carlos ran past them, putting his hands on the railing, staring in awe at the sight.

"So this is what you've been whispering to Gustavo and Kelly about the past couple of days." James hummed, clapping Kendall on the shoulder.

The boy gave his friend a teasing, warning look, before Logan approached them too.

"Happy Anniversary, you guys." He said cheerfully.

"Thanks, Logie." Ella taunted, a bit upset their moment was ruined. She had been trying to tell him for weeks, however, the constant interruptions whether it be from their friends or Gustavo and Kelly made it way more difficult than it needed to be.

"This looks great." James spoke up, already having a small mirror in this hand as he stared at his reflection. "This glow does wonders for my skin."

"Well, it was until you guys came out here." Kendall remarked, before being lightly elbowed in the stomach by Ella at his bluntness.

James mouthed an apology, slowly putting away his mirror.

"Hey!" Carlos' voice pulled everyone out of their thoughts. "You think I could jump over this railing and land in the water?" He eagerly asked, his helmet already on as he got ready to launch himself over.

"No, no, no!" The boys collectively cried, running over to their reckless friend to stop him from accidentally killing himself.

Ella shook her head, suppressing a smile at her friends, before going over to help. She didn't get a chance to tell Kendall, but it was okay. She would say those three words another time.


author's note
this was loosely inspired by 'you are in love' by taylor swift

i guess the reason why it's taking kendall and ella so long to say 'i love you' is because they've been best friends for so long and they've already established how much they mean to one another. i also wanted to hold it off until later on in the story, hope that makes sense lol

i came up with this concept right after i posted 'big time double date' but i think it would have been better if i posted it before so that's why i moved it to this spot

anyways, someone in the comments of an old chapter said they wanted to see kendall and ella's one year anniversary so here it is!
this should hold you guys over until the next real episode so please enjoy this mini flashback :)
be sure to vote and comment
have a great day everyone!!

𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 [kendall knight]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora