big time aftermath

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But not because she and Camille came home to find Ella sobbing uncontrollably after breaking up with Kendall.

But because she wasn't.

Ella was perfectly fine.

When they arrived back at Jo's apartment, Ella was happily watching TV in the living room.

She gave her friends a bright grin, before digging into the food they brought her.

"You seem different." Jo hesitantly said as she passed her the soy sauce for her sushi.

"How so?" Ella inquired, sticking a spicy tuna roll into her mouth.

"You're peppier." Camille pointed out.

Ella stifled in a laugh. "Peppier?"

Jo and Camille nodded.

"Well," Ella said in between her chews, "when you guys left, Kendall came over."

"He what?" Camille cried out.

"Yeah, can you believe it?" Ella exclaimed. "Right after I told him I wanted space, he just saunters over to explain himself. Then he has the audacity to tell me he has feelings for Lucy, which by the way, I knew already."

Jo and Camille shared a concerned look. Ella was not acting herself right now.

"I'm sorry, Ella." Jo apologized, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "What happened after?"

Ella shrugged, "I broke up with him, then slammed the door in his face."

"Are you okay?" Camille asked.

"More than okay." Ella assured. "I'm glad he told me. At least now I know I wasn't going crazy and that there was actually something going on between those two."

Jo looked at her skeptically. "Are you sure?"

"Guys, trust me. It's fine."


Despite her concerns, Jo figured that the breakup would hit Ella in the morning. She was probably just in shock. The Ella she knew wouldn't be so lighthearted about this. Kendall was her best friend for 12 years and her boyfriend for 2 of them, and he betrayed her in five minutes. Jo found it very hard to believe that her friend was alright.

Even though Ella portrayed herself to be fine, she still refused to go back to the crib, so she slept on the couch.

Jo woke up to the sound of clattering coming from the kitchen. She looked over at her phone. It was 7 in the morning.

Furrowing her brows in confusion, she walked out of her room, before stopping in her tracks.

There was Ella, dancing in front of the stove, mixing a bowl of pancake batter. There was already a stack of pancakes sitting on the counter, but Ella still poured a glob of the mixture onto the simmering pan. The kitchen island was set with two plates, utensils, and two glasses of orange juice. As she waited for the second set of pancakes to cook, she turned around, seeing Jo stare wearily at her.

"Good morning!" Ella had pancake batter on her face and flour in her hair, but she was smiling. "I made breakfast."

"Y-You made breakfast?" Jo asked in disbelief.

One thing everyone knew about the girl was that she didn't cook. Not that she didn't, but that she couldn't. She burned everything she made. She was pretty sure Kendall told her that Ella burned eggs once. Jo looked around her kitchen, and it was surprisingly still intact.

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