welcome back big time

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BIG TIME RUSH went on their first concert tour, while Ella Reed had stayed behind in L.A. to work on her own singing career.

In the six weeks they were gone, she managed to write more songs, record them, and even design her debut album, which was coming out in three weeks. Things couldn't be better.

But, she missed her best friends like crazy.

Ella was able to say goodbye to them before they boarded the plane to their first tour stop in Boston, but that was almost two months ago.

Although she hadn't physically seen them in a while, she tried to video chat with them every now and then.

Carlos and James mostly hogged the computer, making sure to tell the girl all the details of each of their shows, in the most specific way possible.

She laughed, hearing about the different food courts Carlos went to and the time in Arizona where Logan struggled to autograph a pig.

And the best part was that they only had to run away from crazy fangirls seven times throughout the entire tour.

While the boys were onstage singing to thousands of people, Ella was stuck alone in the apartment with her thoughts running.

On the night of their first concert in L.A., the girl did something she may or may not have regretted.

She kissed Kendall, and he kissed her back.

They didn't talk to one another when the boys came back to the apartment all frazzled from running away from the fans. They shared an awkward goodbye before they left, and he had barely shown his face on those video calls. Ella was a little disheartened to say to the least. She had put herself out there only to be met with silence and an almost broken dynamic of their decade-long friendship. This is what she was afraid of. She didn't know what she was thinking, but the song she performed and the eye contact they shared just made her risk everything.

Jo was a completely different story. Ella didn't know what to tell her, but the guilt was eating her alive. She's her best friend and never in a million years would she think she'd ever do that to someone. Ella decided to just shut herself in the studio or the crib and just focus on herself and music to just avoid everything. Not the best strategy in the world, but it worked, until now because the boys were coming home today.

Ella made sure to text Logan to know of their arrival time in the Palm Woods, so she could greet them with long awaited hugs.

Taking the elevator down to the lobby, she was a little nervous to see Kendall, but the feeling washed away and was replaced with excitement when she saw the four boys run through the door in utter relief, dropping their duffel bags.

Logan dropped to his knees, exclaiming, "Oh, there's no place like home!"

"Hey!" James shouted at the people in the lobby. "Big Time Rush is back!"

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