big time decision

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"So, Kendall, you up for something?" Lucy wondered, already stepping into the elevator.

Once Beau left, everybody sort of dispersed.

James and Jett immediately went into an argument over who was the number one best looking guy in the Palm Woods now that their main competition was gone.

And Camille went back to her apartment moments before.

Kendall thought for a second before nodding, going in with her.

Lucy pressed the button to the lobby and looked up shyly at the boy besides her.

"Thank you for today. You really didn't have to go through all that for me."

Kendall met her dark brown eyes and smiled. "I wanted to, Lucy. You deserve better than that jerk."

She looked down at her feet, embarrassed. "I was actually going to take him back. I can't believe I fell for his charm again."

"He was right about one thing though," he said, making Lucy turn back to him. "We're all nuts here."

"...And amazing."

Without thinking, Lucy placed a hand on his cheek, kissing him. Their lips barely grazed, before she immediately stepped away. Her mouth dropped slightly and panic set inside her. "Oh, my god. I'm so sorry."

Kendall blinked hard. He was equally shocked, but for some reason, his next actions surprised the two of them.

He leaned forwards again, capturing Lucy's lips as he placed his hands on her waist. He didn't know what he was thinking. It was like something came over him. Before he could fathom what he was doing, he heard a familiar, shaky voice that shook him to the core.


IN ELLA'S SEVENTEEN years of living, there have been three times where she went frozen in disbelief.

The first time was when Mrs. Knight broke the news that her parents weren't coming home for Christmas when she was 10. It was as if the woman was talking underwater because her voice was coming out muffled. Ella was devastated.

The second time was when her and the guys babysat Gustavo's mansion. He laid out five rules for them and ultimately, they were all broken within a couple hours. The mansion was a mess, expensive items were broken, fires were put out with extinguishers, and Carlos let out the alligator. It was too much for Ella, and she fainted.

The third time was currently happening. Ella had just returned to the Palm Woods after spending the day chasing after Griffin and was met with amazing news: Jo was back. Unfortunately, it was because her movie failed its test run, but that wasn't the frozen in disbelief part.

When the two girls pressed the button to the elevator, the doors opened and Ella's throat hitched. Her heart dropped to her stomach. Her chest became tight. Tears pricked her eyes, but she couldn't look away.

She didn't even have to turn to Jo to know that she had the same baffled expression on her face.

Her hands rested on his shoulders and his were placed at her waist. They didn't even seem to realize the elevator doors opened because Kendall and Lucy were still kissing as if the rest of the world disappeared and it was just them two.

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