"Along with these new rules, which are all effective immediately," Madame Bones said, "I will begin the process of hiring a new batch of aurors. I have received hundreds of applications from qualified witches and wizards. The Minister and I hope to see the number of aurors double within the year."

With these new rules put into effect, we, as citizens of Britain, can hope that nothing like yesterday's tragic events will happen again. These rules will also help ensure that all aurors are mentally healthy enough to wear the red robes and golden badge representative of an auror. With the recent speculation surrounding some of the aurors, I see these rules serving to ensure our safety. And I for one am extremely pleased that the number of aurors is increasing, as these are dark and dangerous times.

Tonks threw down the paper in disgust.

"That vile woman!" Tonks spot. The dig Rita made towards her made her blood boil. She knew that everyone would know Rita was talking about her, the foul woman had only mentioned her by name in half a dozen articles.

"People know you aren't mad," Remus said gently, laying a hand on her shoulder.

Tonks blushed and Remus quickly pulled his hand away, as if he were burnt. Sirius stopped glaring for long enough to give Tonks a pitying look. Tonks figured it was because he too had been on the receiving end of Rita's name smearing in the press, with the whole Regulus thing.

"Forget the new rules," Bill said, "did you read the article about Dora Smith? After their emergency meeting, Dora Smith was arraigned. She refused to be defended. She's going to Azkaban."

Molly gasped.

"She should be receiving a medal," Moody growled.

"We all knew that was coming," Arthur said calmly. "Death Eaters or not, James Carrow and Alexander Lincoln were murdered, and with an unforgivable no less. The sentence was always going to be Azkaban."

Sirius scoffed. "Had Lucius Malfoy or one of those bastards killed someone, it would take them months to get arraigned, and an hour after their arraignment they'd be buying their way out of Azkaban."

Dumbledore sighed. "Be that as it may, what happened today cannot be undone. Dora is an old woman, a woman who gave up on life long ago. I'm afraid her life ended long before she was sentenced to Azkaban."

Tonks shifted uncomfortably.

"What do we do?" Remus asked.

"For the moment, we continue with our plans," Dumbledore said. "These new rules will stretch the aurors thin for the time being, until Amelia is able to add to their ranks."

"It'll take them a year to train," Tonks said glumly. "And you and Moody are right, the aurors will be stretched so thin, what if the Death Eaters plan a coordinated attack? Everyone will be sitting ducks. That has to be why Malfoy and the rest of the Lord's voted for these rules."

"That's what happens when sixty percent of the Wizengamot is full of traitorous scum," Moody barked. Dumbledore held up a hand.

"Unfortunately, you are both correct," Dumbledore admitted, "so we must be extra vigilant. This would be the optimal time for Voldemort and the Death Eaters to strike. We must listen for any whispers, or signs of whispers. I will speak with Severus tonight," Sirius snorted, "and inquire as to whether Voldemort has told him anything."

Sirius opened his mouth but Remus shot him a silencing look.

"Unless there is anything else," Dumbledore looked around the room and everyone shook their heads, "then we should all return about our day."


Dumbledore watched as everyone left the kitchen at Grimmauld Place except Moody. Dumbledore waved his hand and silencing wards went up. Moody's magical eye spun quickly in its socket.

"What is it Albus?" Moody grunted as he opened his flask and took a swig.

"What did your sources say about Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

Moody grunted. "None have heard anything of the boy. Not even a whisper."

Dumbledore ran a hand over his face. He had been searching for Harry Potter for over a year. Ever since he had found out that the boy was still alive. He had searched records, and even went so far as to use legilimency. For a moment, he had thought Harrison Riddle was Harry Potter. That theory had been thrown out after Severus cast a paternity charm on the boy. No, Tom Riddle was Harrison Riddle's father. And as far as he knew, no spell could change your DNA. That left Dumbledore not knowing where to look.

He had told no one except Elphias Doge, McGonagall and Moody that Harry Potter was still alive. Elphias was now dead, so that left two others who knew the truth. Both had been subtly trying to track Harry using old friends, but to no avail. Of course, without being able to actually use Harry's name, he hadn't expected much to come of it.

"I still think you should tell Black and Remus," Moody said. "If they knew the boy was alive, they would move heaven and hell to find him. They could be your two greatest allies in this search."

Dumbledore sighed. "Sirius spent twelve years in Azkaban, to get his hopes up would be cruel. And Remus…"

"We're in the middle of a war!" Moody barked. "The time for sparing feelings is over." Moody looked at Dumbledore with both eyes.

"Soon," Dumbledore said at last. "If we don't find him soon." He closed his eyes, "then I'll tell them."

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