Will Madame Bones stay true to her word? What new measures will be put into place to ensure nothing like this happens again? For now, one can only wonder why this horror was allowed to happen. Were the aurors on site not adequately trained? Were some of the aurors, including questionable Auror Nymphadora Tonks, unqualified to be walking around with a badge? Only time will tell.

Lord Carrow's siblings, Lord Amycus Carrow and Lady Alecto Carrow refused to comment until after today's emergency meeting of the Wizengamot, which Lord Amycus Carrow will attend.

Dora Smith will be arraigned this evening. It is expected that her son, Lord Samuel Smith and his wife will attend the arraignment. It is not believed their son, fourth year Hogwarts student, Zacharias Smith, will be in attendance.

Harrison looked at the photograph that accompanied the article. James Carrow and Alexander Lincoln lay motionless on the atrium floor while panicked witches and wizards ran in every direction. He flipped the Daily Prophet over.

"Poor Abigail," Jenna said quietly with a quick glance to the far end of the table.

Harrison looked over at James Carrow's niece. Abigail was sitting, her head slightly bowed, no emotion showing on her face. Harrison and Abigail had never been close, they were barely even friends, but he felt bad for her. Snape had barged into the Slytherin common room after breakfast the day before and pulled Abigail into the corner. Harrison could still hear her choked cries and see Millicent Bullstrode chase after her when Abigail ran for her dormitory. Abigail had stayed ensconced in her dormitory until dinner, and when she came down she refused to talk about her uncle's death with anyone. Although, Pansy told Harrison she had been up all night crying.

"At least she isn't letting the stares get to her," Pansy said. "She's put on a brave face."

"She needs to," Daphne said. "Can you imagine if the Gryffindors saw her crying? They'd never let her hear the end of it."

"I still can't believe it happened," Jenna said, tucking a strand of strawberry blonde hair behind her ear. "In the middle of the Ministry of Magic."

"Father was furious," Leo said. "I could feel the anger radiating from his letter."

Harrison blocked his friends out as he looked at the Gryffindor table. He saw Ron glaring moodily at Ginny and Viktor who were leaning in close and whispering. Dean appeared to be talking Ron down from getting angry. Harrison had been waiting for Ron to flip out and attack the famous seeker, but so far he'd kept his displeasure down to glaring and the occasional muttering.

Harrison had been watching Ron, Dean, and Seamus more, and he still couldn't figure out what they were up to. In Potions, the three boys would occasionally glare and shoot suspicious looks towards the Slytherins, but they had yet to engage them all school year. Although, once Harrison and Fleur had begun to date, the glaring from Ron had intensified, and it was obvious he had a crush on the veela.

"I just hope mum doesn't do something crazy," Cass said quietly.

Harrison pulled himself from his thoughts at Cass' worried tone. After Bellatrix lost her unborn child she had been on the warpath — planning raids, demanding that Rabastan and Rodolphus duel her at their best together for practice, and cursing anyone who got in her way. According to Barty Crouch Jr, Bellatrix almost crucio'd a new Death Eater to the point of his mind snapping when he didn't move out of her way fast enough. Harrison knew Cass was worried, especially because of the last bit. There was only so much Voldemort would tolerate her doing to his Death Eaters before he used his wand to teach her a lesson.

"Aunt Bella will be fine," Harrison said. "She just needs some time."

"Some time for what?" Fleur asked as she took the seat next to Harrison.

"To tell us what she wants for Christmas," Leo said with a shrug and a side glance at Cass.

Fleur looked at Leo in a way that said she didn't believe him, but she didn't say anything about it. She looked at Harrison instead.

"My father heard about what happened yesterday," Fleur grimaced in sympathy. "He's not pleased."

Harrison immediately snapped all of his attention to his new girlfriend. "Oh?" Harrison said, with a disinterested tone.

"He was worried about me coming to Britain for eight months by myself," Fleur said. "Mother assured him I would be safe, and then two men are murdered in your ministry. Par Dieu!" She shook her head. "He wanted me to come home immediately, but…."

"The Goblet of Fire is a magically binding contract," Harrison finished.

"Oui," Fleur said, with a delicate shrug of her shoulders.

"What is your father going to do?" Harrison asked.

"He wasn't going to come visit until the final task, but now he's decided to come for the winter holidays," Fleur said.

"That's wonderful." Harrison was thinking it would be wonderful for him. He would be able to get a read on Fleur's father, and make a good first impression. He could get Fleur to invite her parents to the Malfoy's for their Christmas ball, and since they were dating, her father would be obligated to speak to his father. Although, the two men had met, it would be the first time Minister Delacour would see Voldemort as a father and not a Dark Lord. This could greatly benefit them.

"My parents will bring my sister," Fleur grinned.

"That will be nice," Harrison said. An idea hit him. Something that had nothing to do with their fathers. "Fleur, do you want to see something…unusual?" His eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Must you ask?" Fleur teased.

Harrison grabbed her hand and led her out of the Great Hall, ignoring his friends inquisitive looks.

The Son of Lord VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now