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I would like to introduce my main character and tell you a little bit about her, but not too much. You will understand her past throughout the story. I would also like to tell you a bit about Snape.

Furthermore, my story is not following the order of the Harry Potter books or movies. I am making up my own story line, but I still am copying some events that have been happening throughout the movies.

Severus Snape:

As of right now Snape is 35 years old. He is the Potions Professor at Hogwarts but would like to teach the Dark Arts. However, he is not receiving this position. He used to be a death eater but is spying for the Order of the Phoenix and of course for Dumbledore. Lily did die and he still regrets telling Voldemort about the prophecy, however he is feeling very distanced from her, but he strongly believes that no one will ever be able to love him. Especially if someone ever finds out what he was and still is capable of.

He tries to hide his feelings and his mind is able to take control for a long time. He does not want to take any risks, especially when You Know Who returns with immense power. His mission is to save Harry Potter's life and he swore to do so.

Kimberly Knight:

Kimberly Knight is 26 years old. She graduated from Hogwarts when she was 17 years old. She skipped a year and graduated early from Hogwarts. She was an excellent, ambitious and talented student. When she transferred to Hogwarts, she was put into Gryffindor. Obviously, Snape is not fond of Gryffindors, but he did not treat her as bad as the others, because he knows an excellent witch when he sees one. For 3 years she pursued the Darks Arts. She had lots of jobs and dangerous missions. She faced horrible creatures, murderers, kidnappers and other things. She fought for the good. She had a great partner, whom she trusted a lot. Turned out she put her faith into the wrong person.

She is a very capable and talented witch, but on their mission, she almost died because of him. She has faced lots of betrayal and has experienced it a lot, but she never expected that from him, because she thought that he loved her. He was willing to risk her life and that's where Kimberly Knight drew the line. She wanted a break from all of it and when she heard that there is a teaching position, she immediately applied. 

Besides, I changed some characteristics and background stories of some characters. Sometimes it's not always as it seems

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