54| Recruiting For the Order

Start from the beginning

"Sure." I muttered, as he poured the kettle of coffee into my cup.

"It's great to have you here, I haven't seen Ollie for a long time, well you know Ollie, too busy with Quidditch," he chuckled as I did the same thing. "Well, me and Monica have been writing to each other."

"That's good." I mumbled, then suddenly remembered the reason why I came here.

"Er, Luke," I began. "I know you're happy to see me but, there's a reason why I came here."

Luke raised his head from the table, his eyes slightly widened and stared at me for a few moments. "This is about the  incident back at Hogwarts, isn't it?" he guess quietly, he went over to the kitchen drawer and pulled out a battered copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Cedric Diggory's dead." he mumbled sadly, glancing at the front of the paper then his eyes were fixed on mine.

"Luke, you have to listen to me. The night Cedric died, Voldemort returned. He murdered Cedric." I said quietly, trying my best to tell him the news in a careful, pleasant way.

The copy of the Daily Prophet slipped from Luke's grasp and fell to the floor. He took a few steps away blinking at me with widened eyes.

"H-he's back?" he asked, shaking his head in disbelief as I slowly nodded my head and stood from my seat to place his hands on his shoulders.

"I know it's shocking, but Fudge has chosen to not believe Harry or Dumbledore. He thinks Dumbledore wants to get the position for Minister." I stated.

"That's nonsense, Dumbledore wouldn't do that." Luke murmured, his eyes searching my face and his face had gone pale.

"I know, that's why there are no reports of it in any newspaper. But he is back, and the Wizarding World is getting darker and darker." I said.

"Oh, my god, oh my god." he kept saying quietly, his hands running through his hair as he walked in circles.

"But I didn't just come here to tell you that Voldemort is back," I said warily as he stopped and looked at me with slight fear, eyebrows scruched together but he waited for me to continue. "Back during the first war, Dumbledore had founded an organization called the Order of the Phoenix."

Luke breathed, looking at me a bit lost and sunk on the couch in the living room as I sat right beside him.

"The Order was a secret group that fought against Voldemort and his followers."

"Ok, a wizarding version of the Avengers founded by Albus Dumbledore, the greatest sorcerer of all time." he murmured, nodding his head as I looked at him in confusion but anyway continued.

"I know it's hard to process, Luke and I'm sorry for startling your day by telling you this –"

"No, no, it's alright."

I nodded my head slowly. "But Harry could've died with Cedric. But now Voldemort's back, a lot more will follow if we don't stop him. That's why Dumbledore reinstated the Order, to protect Harry, protect the Wizarding World, and even the Muggle world. And now the Order's back, I want you to join."

Luke looked at me.

"If you don't want to, it's fine. But although it's gonna be so dangerous and we don't know what the future holds, joining the Order will be for everyone's sake, even your muggle family. Everyone is in grave danger now that Voldemort has returned."

He sat in silence, as I waited patiently for his response. And after about a minute, he stood up from the couch.

"I'm in. I'm ready to fight for everyone, the Wizarding World and even for the Muggles. Even if it means I have to die to make sure we'll all be safe." he stated strongly.

"That's my Luke." I grinned, patting his back.

"Are Monica and Ollie joining?"

"Umm, Monica still hasn't made up her mind yet and Ollie, volunteered to help us if anything happened although he's not really joining."

"I can recruit some of my colleagues in Seoul. So that the Order can have more allies even outside the country." he said with a smile

"That's perfect. I'll write to Dumbledore when I head back home."

"I've never fought in a war. You too. We were small when the first war happened." he whispered, his smile fading away.

"I understand. But we're not kids anymore. But even during the first war, there were a few who joined who were around our age and fought fiercely to bring the world back into peace." I said, nodding my head as his smile reappared in his lips.

"So, are there gonna be meetings?" he asked.

"Yep, starting tomorrow," I replied. "Oh, and er, read and memorize this."

I fiddled with the pocket of my leather jacket and gave Luke a piece of parchment, where the location of the Order meetings will take place. He furrowed his eyebrows together as he read the paper over and over again.

"Number 12, Grimmauld Place? That's weird, I've walked past those houses a couple of times and I've never seen the Number 12 before." he said in disbelief.

I smiled cheekily. "Well you'll see tomorrow, oh and when you memorize it, be sure to burn the paper, we don't anyone wanting to find out the location."

"Got it." he muttered, rereading it over and over again until finally burning it.

"Thanks Selene." he said, embracing me.

"No problem, be there at 4:30 in the afternoon. I have to go now." I said, giving him one last hug before I left the house and apparated back at Number 12 Grimmauld Place and was immediately greeted by Mother's usual screaming.

A/N: hello, the next chapter is the chapter we've all been waiting for. Lmk what you all feel about Selene's new life in Grimmauld Place with Sirius in the comment section.

For the mean time, there are a few questions I've been curious to ask you all ~

Fav chapter in this story?

Least fav chapter in this story and why?

Ideas for future chapters?

Favorite characters in the story?

That's it, and I hope you all enjoy the story! <33

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Jazl xxx

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