Sirius' mind was spinning. Someone knew that he didn't get a trial and brought it to Amelia's attention? Who would've done such a thing? If it had been Dumbledore, the man would already be here. Sirius knew now why Amelia looked furious. There was nothing Amelia hated more than those who broke the law, or people being falsely accused. Amelia must have looked into what happened twelve years ago and not liked what she saw.

"Why was I not informed of this?" Fudge demanded as he puffed his chest out. "Information of this caliber should had been relayed to me immediately!"

"I didn't want to waste your time on unfounded information," Amelia said placatingly. "I was preparing to inform you this morning when I received word that Hogsmeade had been attacked." Sirius had known Amelia when he was an auror, and he could tell that she was lying, but Fudge didn't seem to notice. "If Sirius is found guilty than the order for him to be kissed will be executed. If not -"

"Sirius Black is not innocent," the woman in pink simpered.

"That is for the Wizengamot to decide, Madam Umbridge," Amelia declared.

Umbridge's eyes narrowed. Amelia didn't spare the minister a glance before banging her gavel once more.

"I have called this emergency session of the Wizengamot to ascertain the guilt or innocence of Sirius Orion Black, in regard to the murder of twelve muggles on 31 October, 1991," Amelia said. "Sirius Black, do you consent to the use of veritaserum?" Amelia waved her wand, and Sirius knew she was removing the silencing charms that had surrounded him.

"Yes," Sirius said immediately.

Kingsley walked forward and Sirius opened his mouth. Three drops of veritaserum fell into his mouth, and his throat tingled. He felt his body go stiff, and his eyes glazed over.

"We will begin with test questions," Amelia said. "Is your name Sirius Orion Black?"

"Yes," he answered. His voice sounded dreamy and far away to his own ears.

"Is 1 October 1959 your birthday?" Amelia asked.

"Yes," he replied.

"The drug is working," Amelia said. A tiny woman nodded her head, as she scribbled away on a piece of parchment. "Sirius Black, on 31 October, 1991 did you commit any crimes?"

"No," Sirius said.

There were several gasps around the chamber, and Amelia banged her gavel. The thought that Sirius could truly be innocent wasn't one they had considered.

"Silence," Amelia ordered.

"On 31 October, 1991, did you murder any muggles?" Amelia asked.


"On 31 October, 1991, did you betray James and Lily Potter to the Dark Lord Voldemort?"

Several witches clutched at their throats at the mention of Voldemort's name. There were gasps, and Fudge went deathly pale. Amelia banged her gavel twice.


"Are you a Death Eater?"


"Not possible," Fudge said faintly. "Crouch sentenced him to Azkaban. There were witnesses. How? Who?"

The members of the Wizengamot began talking amongst themselves. The shock was palpable as looks of horror and disbelief were sent towards the man who had spent twelve years in Azkaban as an innocent man.

"He's innocent!"

"Twelve years as an innocent man in Azkaban? The poor dear."

"How could Crouch sentence him without a trial?"

"Silence," Amelia banged her gavel. "Silence. As Veritaserum cannot make a person answer more than yes or no questions, we cannot question Sirius Black further under the potion. Kingsley, administer the antidote." She looked at a pale Fudge. "Minister, it seems that Mister Black is innocent of the charges that had been placed against him."

"Be that as it may," Umbridge said, "he escaped from Azkaban. That in itself is against the law."

Amelia's eyes narrowed. "Madam Umbridge, no such law exists, as there was never any thought that one could possibly break out of Azkaban. Even if there were, Mister Black's time served would more than make up for it."

Umbridge opened her mouth to speak when she was interrupted.

"Not now, Dolores," Fudge hissed.

"Sirius Black," Amelia said. "I hereby declare you innocent of all charges. You will be taken to St. Mungo's to undergo a psychiatric evaluation and then you will be free to go. I know that nothing I, nor anyone, can say will make up for what must have been twelve horrendously difficult years in Azkaban. However, you can be sure that I will look deeply into your case, and you will be compensated for your pain and suffering." Amelia cleared her throat. "While you did not kill those muggles twelve years ago or betray the Potter's someone did." Sirius' eyes snapped to Amelia's. "I have many questions, all of which can be asked after your evaluation."

"Thank you," Sirius said faintly.

"I now declare this session of the Wizengamot over," Amelia banged her gavel.

Sirius was numb. He was out of Azkaban. He was declared an innocent man. He was going to get to see Remus again. He felt the chains around his wrists loosen, and barely registered when someone helped him to stand. Amelia was going to question him about the rat, he wanted to yell his name out loud now, so that they could go and arrest him, but something was holding him back. There were Death Eaters in the room. He needed to play this smart. He could barely think straight at the moment. He needed sleep and food before he could decide the best course of action. Rash thinking is what got him into this predicament in the first place. He wouldn't make that mistake again.

He was being led from the room when it fell silent. He looked up and stared straight into the eyes of Albus Dumbledore.

My Lord,

As I know you have already been informed, the trial of Sirius Black went as you planned. During the trial it was not revealed who tipped off Amelia Bones, and I am confident that my identity will remain secret. As you requested, I spun the article to make Dumbledore look the part of the fool. I have enclosed a copy of what will be on the front page of the Daily Prophet tomorrow morning. Any amendments you would like to have included will, of course, be added.

Your most humble servant,

Rita Skeeter

Tom tossed the letter aside, and smiled as he looked down at the headline that tomorrow would be seen by everyone in wizarding Britain, and if all went according to plan, soon the entire wizarding world.

Sirius Black Declared Innocent of All Charges: Dumbledore guilty?

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