"Marco, what in Helga's name are you doing?!" another voice exclaimed, and from the foliage of many plants came Dafne, running towards her brother. "That's a Venomous Tentacula! It's deadly! WHY IS IT WRAPPED AROUND YOU?!"

She rushed to his side and skillfully untangled the vines from Marco's arms before the spikes of the plants could cut his flesh. Without a word, Dafne took the plant and ran back behind the tall plants she had appeared from.

"...What was that all about?" Remus cleared his throat.

"I was helping my sister move some plants," Marco explained, rolling down his sleeves before dusting off his shirt. "I apologize you had to see that."

"You call that helping? You were almost stung with its deadly venom!" Dafne frowned as she stomped back into the greenhouse. "Remind me how you got the job as the N.E.W.T DADA professor, again?"

"There is no need for such aggression," he smiled to try and calm his sister down. "As playwright Publius Terentius Afer once stated; fortes fortuna iuvat, 'fortune favors the brave' The plant didn't inject me with a dose of its fatal venom, and as luck should have it, you handled it just in time before it could, Dafne."

"I didn't think you'd be one to believe in the power of luck, Marco," you commented

"That's correct. Though sometimes, something as futile as luck can be your upbringing or downfall," Marco nodded, pointing his index finger upwards. "I believe you'll learn that first-hand at some point in life."

The short Hufflepuff punched the professor's arm without much strength and crossed her arms. "You're not old enough to give life lessons! And if it weren't for this so-called luck you had, you wouldn't have gotten to be much older! Who would be to blame if you had died from Venomous Tentacula venom? Me!"

Remus and you looked at each other and at the siblings a few times in silence, holding in laughs. "You're quite skilled with plants as much as healing spells, Dafne. You'd make a great healer," you intervened before she scolded her older brother again. 

"Thank you, (y/n)!" Dafne's mood seemed to change in an instant, and she grinned at you. "Marco told me a few of you would come here for help to prepare for an exam. I hope he's not being too hard on you N.E.W.T-level students."

"He's being rightfully difficult," Remus shrugged. "It's the highest level of magic taught at Hogwarts, after all."

"I'm relieved you two feel that way," Marco nodded, using his sister's head as an armrest, which Dafne wasn't too pleased about. "About that, weren't there supposed to be three?"

You pinched the bridge of your nose and crossed your arms. "Sirius got in trouble again. He won't be able to make it."

"How unfortunate. This would've been good preparation for your upcoming exam," he sighed. "Might I mention that I'm glad you're here, Remus. I rarely see you outside of class, so I'm happy you could make it."

"I- uh... yes! Me too," Remus stuttered, fiddling with his hands. "I'm glad I'm here."

You discretely looked at him with a proud expression, which seemed to reassure him as he exhaled in relief. "I have to ask, why the Herbology greenhouse?" you added to take the spotlight away from Remus. 

"The two of you and Sirius had a similar subject you had a bit of difficulty with," Marco explained, heading towards an empty place on the otherwise crowded plant table. "Fending off XXXX-ministry ranked magical creatures without the use of wand magic."

"Thank Merlin that's what we're doing!" Remus exclaimed as the two of you took a seat. "That's what I was most uncertain about. There are so many complicated and detailed things to cover in that subject."

Marco took out his wand and with a few swishes, made a variety of appliances and ingredients appear before Remus and you. "Let's get started, shall we? Start by finely chopping Fluxweed, but be extra careful not to cut the thin seedlings inside."

"Oh, and don't mind me. I'm taking care of the plants while professor Sprout is temporarily away for a few days," Dafne explained, going back to changing the pots of a few magical plants.

"I'm not amused by the fact you're choosing to take care of wolfsbane specifically," Marco frowned. "You know, considering it can be lethal to werewolves?"

"I've no idea what you're talking about," she failed to hold in a smirk.

"Dum excusare credis accusas, 'while you think you are excusing yourself, you are accusing yourself', as wisely said by Latin priest Saint Jerome," he stated before looking back at the table. "You have impeccable timing, Dafne. Just when I'm teaching how to fend off dangerous magical creatures."

"What a coincidence," Dafne shrugged.

"Oh, you're missing more delicacy in your movements, Remus. Let me demonstrate," Marco ignored his sister's sarcasm and placed his hands on top of Remus', grabbing onto them slightly to move them. "See? This requires precision like no other."

Remus seemed to stop functioning for a few seconds because of the touch, but quickly gained his composure and paid attention to Marco's advice all while trying to hide his reddening cheeks from him. Dafne looked up from what she was doing and stared at Remus and then at you knowingly. You replied with a slight nod, which made Dafne grin widely as she looked back at the two werewolves.

There's no way Marco hasn't noticed he likes him. Remus is very bad at hiding this, you thought, eyeing them while concentrating on your own work. This is going to be an interesting after-class lesson. Oh, if Sirius were here, he'd love the ongoing drama.


I swear I wanted to update a lot sooner than this but then I had to go to the dentist over two consecutive days and was stuck in traffic on both ✋😃

ANYWAYS, for you Remco/Marcus shippers, you finally got them in a chapter together! And Dafne is back too. Honestly, I love the Hernandez siblings so much. Their dynamic is *chefs kiss*

IT RAINED SO MUCH TODAY, THE LIGHTS KEPT LEAVING WHILE I TRIED TO WRITE. Also, the road in front of my neighborhood got flooded, it's basically a lake. Rip small cars that have to go through there HEHEHEHEH.

-Camille and ᓚᘏᗢ

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