"Uh...okay.Yeah.We'd love to come,"

"Fantastic! I will send you the address,"

"You dont have my number-"

"Oh yeah? Ive always had it.See you soon."

The line goes dead and I have to rest my arm on the counter top.

Is this really happening?After all these years? Then something happened,and it was powerful.

"Collin pack your suitcase,we're leaving in the morning!"


"Ma,where are we?" I park in the driveway of the house,the tires on the gravel making a loud crunching sound.

"We are here to meet some Family,Coll.Okay?" I say,looking towards the front door.

"Is this daddy's family?"

His question hits me hard,so I ignore it.

I grab Collin's suitcase and mine alomg with another bag as we approach the front steps.

"Collin,remember to always be polite and respectful.Do not ask questions,okay?"

"But momma-"

"Collin-" I say sternly.

He nods then as I ring the bell,hearing footsteps and music on the other side.

I hope I don't seem too different.

I've probably gotten taller and slimmer,and I cut my hair to my shoulders.But I'm still me.Still the old 19 year old Amber they met me as.

The door opens and I smile widely.

Liam stood with a happy expression,smiling.

"Welcome back,Havens."

I hug him tightly and fight the urge to cry,wiping my eyes quickly as I step away from him.

"Liam,this is Collin.You guys have already met,"

Liam bends down to Collin's level.

"Hey little man,how are you?"

Collin smiles.

"Good,thank you."

"Collin,this is your uncle Liam.You can be yourself around him okay?"

He nods and Liam stands up,motioning us to follow him as he shows us around the first floor.

When we are heading upstairs,Liam slows his pace and looks back at me.

"What?" I ask but he looks away.

"Up here is where you and Collin will stay,"

We walk into a large room with a large bed and a balcony area,with its own personal bathroom.

I put our belongings inside and take Collin's sweater,placing it on the bed.

"So,its just us three?Is Zayn here?" I ask nicely.

Liam avoides my gaze.

"Yeah,he's here.D'you wanna see him?"

I nod and grab Collins hand.

"Lets go,my love . You're going to meet your uncle Zayn."

He leads us to the end of the hallway,and he gives a large sigh,and his face relaxes.

He opens the door wide and whistles.

I peek inside and see Zayn spray-painting the walls.He looked older,wiser.He had scruff on his face and his hair was longer.He wore an MTV graphic tee and faded jeans and he turned when Liam called.

He smiles wide and laughs.

"Oi,goddamn it Liam,best present ever," Zahn laughs and I cant stop the smile on my face.

I hug him tightly,laughing.

"You look good," he says and I thank him.

"Zayn,this is Collin,my son," I say softly,looking down at Collin.

Zayn's eyes widen in surprise but his smile says different.

"Hey,Collin.Im Zayn.You can call me Z."

Collin smiles shyly and tugs my arm.

"Its okay,baby.Zayn wont hurt you."

He smiles and looks around the room.

"You like it?" Zayn asks and Collin smiles.

"Oh,yeah,right Coll? Tell uncle Z how much you like cartoons and comic books?"

Zayn lights up.

"Oh man,Collin.This is gonna be great,bud.Me and you,"

They laugh and I smile.

"Do you want me to finish showing you around?" Liam asks and I agree.

Before I leave,I bend down to Collin,fixing his shirt with a smile.

"Now,you're here to have a good time,okay Collin? But I want you to behave,as well.".

He nods and smiles,hugging me.I give him a quick kiss and stand.

"See you in a little,Coll,"

Liam leads me out the room and downstairs again,going through a door to a kitchen.I follow and sit on a bar chair at the counter with a smile.

"D'you want something?" He asks happily,putting the radio on low,then going to the fridge.

"Strawberries would be wonderful," I say and he laughs.

"How did I know?" He laughs and shakes the carton in front of me.

"I went shopping last night for this week.Knew you and Collin would like a few things,"

"That was really sweet of you.Thanks,Li."

He smiles and leans on the counter,looking at me.

"What?" I ask,putting hair behind my ear.

"You look so different.Good,of course.But...older.Mature."

"I can say the same about you," I say and smirk.

"So,what has been up? Anything new?" I ask,eating a strawberry.

"Nothing,just laying extremely low,like always."

I nod and look around.

"So what is the plan for this week? I was looking at this place a mole or so from here-"

I hear a door being opened in the distance and so I stop talking.

I look to Liam who looks panic stricken.

"Are we expecting someone else?" I ask and turn my chair towards the door.

Liam quickly sighs and goes out the door,leaving me alone in the kitchen.

I hear faint voices and I strain to listen.

"Are you trying to hide something? What are you doing,Liam?" A voice asks harshly and I freeze.

Every single hair on my body,shocked.

My heart started to race like a car on a fast paced track and goosebumps erupted on my skin like live wire.

No,it couldn't be.

"I swear to god-dont-" Liam exclaims as the door swings open and in tumbles Liam and someone else.

I gasped and clutched the counter behind me,as I continue to look at the person in front of me.

"Oh shit," he whispers and then,the world started to spin,and eventually goes black.



My loves! How are you all doing? I hope you guys are well,and I will try to get an update again soon.Feedback will be loved! :) xx

-A ♡

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