Part 68: Nabu Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"As do I," Miss Rias said," So class 1-A has offered more extensive and more intense training on their quirks. All Might and Nighteye have gotten the idea of what they're talking about but I'd like to know more about it"

Nezu looked around the table to all the heroes available, the head of the Hero Association and the respective representative of the police, Tsukauchi.

"They had requested for us to train them.....on how to kill," Nezu said which made the meeting room tense," When I first heard of this request form Aizawa, I knew that it would have to be a decision made from all of us. The idea of implementing a more violent training method is without a doubt troubling. If we do indeed start this, the media may pick up on it"

"Wow, those kids are really something Erasure," Mirko said," And.....I know why they would"

"Hmm, I've already predicted that this may happen, but this early and in their first year of U.A. What the hell did Midoriya tell them?" Nighteye said with his hands together.

"What my class reported is that Midoriya had said himself that they should be prepared to kill when necessary," Aizawa said.

"Even though he's not even in school, Midoriya is still manipulating them the way he wants to," All Might said not knowing what expression to have," But still, I am against teaching them how to kill"

"I think we should teach them how to really hurt a person," Mirko said," If they learn to kill then perhaps they can also learn better ways to deal with Midoriya because let's face it, lots of heroes now have gone soft"

"Woah! Mirko, do you know how many heroes died from our last battle with the league!" Fatgum said a bit irritated at Mirko's nonchalant expression," How could you say that about them!?"

"They lost because they were too soft Fatgum. And what about me? I took down multiple High-End Nomus by myself because I wasn't weak"

"Why you!-"

"That's enough you 2!" Miss Rias spoke up," Arguing won't get us anywhere. Nezu, I will support this intense training and will provide what resources you'd need. As of now, our top heroes are still recovering but we need to be ready for another hit. The community is suffering so if this guarantees the creation of even stronger heroes, then this to me is a no brainer"

"I agree with you Miss Rias. We need to sharpen their abilities as fast as possible for the upcoming battles we may face"

"But principal Nezu!-" All Might tried to say.

"I'm sorry All Might, but my decision is final. I understand that as a father your decisions are influenced. Izuku Yagi is a brilliant boy with potential but that is why we need him and his fellow classmates to evolve. Times are different than when you were the Symbol of Peace, but now it is our duty to prepare the next generation and the generations to come. My mind has been made and I will officially announce the method"

"I......(sigh) You're absolutely right. Very well then," All Might said in defeat.

"There's one more thing that keeps bothering me about Midoriya," Tsukauchi said," I do have my own idea on the matter, but I'd like to hear from all of you"

"Good ahead," Aizawa said

"Why hasn't Midoriya left Japan?"

"Why hasn't he left? Maybe he's scared to get caught by another country," Fatgum suggested.

"No...that's not it," Mirko said," I know him and he wouldn't even hide from a fight. Tsukauchi, could you explain what you might think?"

"Of course. I personally believe he's after something, something other than Yagi's quirk"

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