i believe in that 

Me: i didn't get u

RK: nothing... children cann't understand those...Bye

That's it he went offline. I was shocked this is the first time we had most tensed conversation he sounds dissappointed. I know i am being stubborn by not giving him my number but i cann't do things which am not comfortable and at the same time i don't want to hurt his feelings...

I re-read our conversation 3 times and realized that for the first time i addressed him with his name RK, he knows that am not gonna call him but then why is he pressuring me.

I am really confused now, I want to call him and at the same time I don't want to, what will happen after calling him, will this relation be same as it is now ...I almost had tears in my eyes I don't know where this friendship will lead us to, that's why I don't want to give him my mobile number. 

Especially, I don't know anything about him personally, I just know very few things about him and moreover what will happen if we start talking on phone, will it lead to some other relation. Yes true that I trust him as a friend, I know that I considered him as my friend but at the same time somewhere in my heart I have a feeling that this is going beyond friendship from his side. 

I mean how can I trust a person blindly with whom I have been chatting from few months and I cann't dare to give him my mobile number, if I took a wrong step now then I have to suffer the consequences of this step in future and I don't want my parents to  suffer for any of my present actions in future... Sometimes it feels like he knows me very well and his flirtering is serious, What if he mistook my friendship to something else, I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me. 

I always dreamed of having a marriage in which I want my dad to choose a person for me and also I strongly believe that love starts after marriage. This may sound like I am an old generation girl but I want to fall in love with the person whom my parents choose for me because if they choose I can blindly trust that person and give my heart to him as my dad is very particular in selecting a husband for me and moreover am scared of trusting people without knowing them personally fearing that I may get hurt at the end. 

May be he is harmless and good guy but it doesn't mean that I should take this online friendship to next level, I am happy with where we are now and I don't want this to go beyond my limitations...

Keeping all this thoughts aside I left it to god and started doing my work...

Leaving that aside I concentrated on my work, on 31st night I met with an accident and was admitted in hospital. Next day my parents came to Pune and took me back to my hometown and I was in hospital for a week. I didn't think about him in that week, was busy in my own world. After discharging from hospital, I returned back to Pune and  was completely busy in office work as there was client visit in my office.

March 2014

After two months of hectic work, I was free on one weekend without any work pressure, so thought of spending those two days with my parents. 

On Sunday morning after having breakfast I was sitting in living room with dad and mom watching TV. After sometime, I observed that dad and mom were murmuring something.

Few minutes later dad cleared his throat to gain my attention and I turned to them.

"Maa... what are you two up to?? I have been observing both of you from the last 10 minutes, what is that you both are discussing without my knowledge?"

"woah... I cann't tell you, ask your dad??" said Ma turning to dad.

" what me ?? No, you tell her??" said dad annoyed.

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