"And I'm not telling you anything," Nymphadora said, her tone filled with loathing. She refused to let Bellatrix and her fellow death eaters see her fear.

"Then it appears we reach an impasse," Bellatrix murmured. Her wand lowered to her side, and Nymphadora felt a flicker of confusion. She eyed Bellatrix warily, she had heard too many stories about Bellatrix to think she wouldn't harm her. Nymphadora's first instinct was that Bellatrix was getting ready to torture her, most likely the cruciatus curse. Which is why her confusion doubled when Bellatrix turned and walked towards the other three death eaters. Her confusion disappeared when Bellatrix spun around and pointed her wand at Nymphadora, a spell shooting towards her before she could blink. Nymphadora felt her body being flung backwards. She felt the air leave her body as her back slammed into the stone wall, her feet lifted off the ground as her body stuck to the wall in a spread eagle position. She tried to move her head but found that she couldn't move any part of her body. The only movement she was capable of were her eyes which were flickering between the four death eaters.

"However, there's always a way," Bellatrix grinned as Nymphadora felt a surge of anger. Bellatrix' wand remained directed at Nymphadora. "Now, tell me everything you know about Albus Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix."

"Go to hell," Nymphadora spat as she tried desperately to move her body.

"Crucio!" Bellatrix yelled. Nymphadora screamed as the curse hit her, it felt as though a thousand needles were being stabbed into her skin. Screams tore from her throat as the pain increased, it was as though her entire body was on fire. She could see Rabastan, Bellatrix and Barty laughing while Lucius looked on as though he were watching a boring session of the Wizengamot. After what felt like an eternity, but was in reality only twenty seconds the curse was lifted. Nymphadora could feel her muscles twitching, and she felt as though she had just fallen off of the Astronomy tower.

"Would you like to tell me now?" Bellatrix asked with false sweetness.

"Never," Nymphadora growled, her voice gravely. Bellatrix snarled and once more cast the cruciatus curse. Once more Nymphadora felt like her entire body was on fire. She felt like someone was stabbing her repeatedly on every part of her body. The stone room was filled with blood curling screams mixed with laughter. Nymphadora screamed louder than she thought was possible as Bellatrix held the curse. After forty seconds under the curse Bellatrix lowered her wand. Nymphadora's mouth clamped shut and she bit down on her tongue filling her mouth with blood. The taste of copper overwhelmed her and she began to cough, she could fill blood dribbling down her chin. This fueled the laughter from three of the death eaters.

"Disgusting," Lucius sneered disdainfully. Nymphadora attempted to glare at Lucius but it came out looking as though she were squinting. Her body was aching all over and her breathing was beginning to come out heavier, like she had just run ten miles.

"Shall I give you another lesson, or are you ready to speak?" Bellatrix asked. Nymphadora didn't answer, she just stared at Bellatrix with all of the hate she could muster. "Well then, you really do leave me with no other choice." Bellatrix raised her wand, but in a flash Barty's hand was over hers. Bellatrix narrowed her eyes as she turned to Barty. "What are you playing at?"

"I think we should try something more," Barty's lips curled into a cruel smile, "fun."

"What do you have in mind?" Bellatrix asked, sounding genuinely curious. The way they spoke about torturing her made Nymphadora feel nauseous.

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