"I told her I'd find her sometime during the journey," Harrison told them. "There's not enough room in here for her to join us." He ignored the curious look Luna was sending him from over her Charms book. For the next two hours Harrison talked to his friends about their training schedule for the year. After they ate lunch Harrison bid them goodbye and went to find Susan. Harrison walked out of his compartment into the crowded hall. A group of fourth year Gryffindors were giggling and pointing at Cedric Diggory who seemed oblivious. Harrison rolled his eyes as he pushed past them towards the compartment Susan normally sat in. Harrison pulled open the compartment and stuck his head in. Susan was sitting against the wall, Hannah Abbot next to her. The two were talking animatedly with one another, a blonde girl named Sally-Anne Perks was sitting across from them looking through a book.

"Harrison," Susan said happily, a faint blush covering her cheeks. Sally-Anne looked up from her book, her face turned bright red and she turned away. Harrison inwardly smirked.

"Hello beautiful," Harrison greeted causing her blush to deepen. "Hannah." Hannah greeted him with a smile. "Susan, do you want to go for a walk?" Susan glanced at Hannah who nodded, Susan got up and Harrison immediately took her hand. "Don't worry, I'll have her back soon." Harrison told Hannah with a wink causing the blonde to join her best friend in blushing. Harrison and Susan left the compartment and he led her down the corridor, people openly stared at their intertwined hands. A look of surprise showed on several of the older Hufflepuff's faces at the site of the new couple. Harrison led Susan passed a group of first years who were nervously standing outside of the bathroom. He glanced into the compartments they passed until he found and empty one. "Shall we?" Harrison asked smoothly and Susan nodded. The two third years slipped into the compartment, Harrison cast several spells with his wand. "Privacy and silencing charms," he explained at Susan's questioning look.

"Why do we-" Susan began, she trailed off as her face turned as red as her hair. Harrison smirked as he pulled Susan onto his lap, they were only thirteen but he was a boy with raging hormones. They hadn't done anything besides making out but he was eager to do more. Harrison knew Susan wasn't ready and he wasn't going to force her, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to snog her at every opportunity. Harrison found her blushing cute, she did it every time she was embarrassed. They had talked about kissing before and she had blushed then too. Susan moved so that she was still on Harrison's lap but her legs were on the seat. One of Harrison's hands was on her lower back and the other one was resting on her right knee. Harrison leaned down and captured her lips with his, her lips were soft and it tasted like she was wearing strawberry chap stick. Their lips moved in sync and Harrison slid his tongue into her mouth, the hand that was resting on Susan's knee slowly began moving up towards her thigh. Harrison's other hand moved so that it was pulling her closer to him from her waist. Susan pulled back, her lips swollen. She glanced at Harrison's hand which was on her upper thigh.

"I'm not ready yet to-" Susan began but Harrison cut her off by kissing her lips. Harrison then pulled back as he ran a hand through her silky hair.

"I know," Harrison murmured.

At long last, the train stopped at Hogsmeade station, and there was a great scramble to get outside; owls hooted, cats meowed, and Belle hissed angrily at being woken up. It was freezing on the tiny platform; rain was driving down in icy sheets. Harrison who had stayed with Susan grabbed her hand and pulled her closely towards him. He cast warming charms on both of them, making sure to use his wand.

"Firs' years this way!" called an unwelcome familiar voice. Harrison turned and saw the gigantic outline of Hagrid at the other end of the platform, beckoning the terrified-looking new students forward for their traditional journey across the lake. Harrison glared at the half-giant before following the rest of the school along the platform and out onto a rough mud track, where at least a hundred stagecoaches awaited the remaining students, each pulled by black winged horses, called Thestrals.

"Harrison!" Jenna called out. Harrison turned and saw Jenna waving at him to come over. Harrison led Susan to the stagecoach and helped her inside before joining her. Once he sat down he wrinkled his nose, it smelt like moldy straw and something he didn't want to think about.

"I don't understand why we can't Floo into the castle," Pansy complained as she combed her fingers through her wet hair. "My hair is ruined."

"It's tradition," Theo told her.

"I don't care," Pansy snapped. "And it can't be too much of a tradition. When Hogwarts was first founded students arrived to Hogwarts however they wanted." Harrison blocked out Theo's words, he was wet and slightly annoyed. He didn't want to spend the next fifteen minutes listening to his friends argue.

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