Six owls flew in through the open windows and Dumbledore was pulled from his thoughts as two landed in front of him. Dumbledore recognized the Evening Prophet, the special edition that was only released when something significant happened. Dumbledore knew immediately what had caused the issue to be sent when he saw the headline. Dumbledore heard Sprout make a strangled sound in the back of her throat and Dumbledore felt fury rise inside of him as he unfolded the paper and began to read.

Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban

By Rita Skeeter

Sirius Black, possibly the most infamous prisoner ever to be held in Azkaban fortress, escaped this afternoon, the Ministry of Magic confirmed today. As of now the Ministry of Magic remains in the dark as to how Sirius Black was able to escape from the dubbed, 'Impossible to escape from fortress'. All that is currently known is that early this afternoon Aurors found the cell belonging to Sirius Black empty. Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Amelia Bones and newly appointed Head of the Auror Office Kingsley Shacklebolt are doing everything they can to recapture Sirius Black. Every Auror and Hit Wizard has been called in to help find the mass murderer.

"We are doing all we can to recapture Black," said the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, this afternoon, "and we beg the magical community to remain calm." Fudge has been criticized by some members of the International Federation of Warlocks for informing the Muggle Prime Minister of the crisis. "Well, really, I had to, don't you know," said an irritable Fudge. "Black is mad. He's a danger to anyone who crosses him, magic or Muggle. I have the Prime Minister's assurance that he will not breathe a word of Black's true identity to anyone. And let's face it - who'd believe him if he did?"

While Muggles have been told that Black is carrying a gun (a kind of metal wand that Muggles use to kill each other), the magical community lives in fear of a massacre like that of twelve years ago, when Black murdered thirteen people with a single curse. Sirius Black is also known as the man who betrayed James Potter, his wife Lily and their son Harry which led to their deaths at the hands of You-Know-Who almost twelve years ago. The Ministry of Magic has also issued a warning to everyone not to attempt to capture Sirius Black.

Underneath the article was a picture of Sirius Black, his gray eyes flicking from side to side as he laughed wildly. Dumbledore remembered seeing that picture the morning after Sirius had been arrested. Dumbledore sat the Evening Prophet down, but his eyes didn't leave the picture of Sirius. 'How had Sirius escaped?' Dumbledore knew it should be impossible to escape from Azkaban, and even if one did escape they would need a way to get to England. After all, Azkaban was on a tiny island in the North Sea. Dumbledore could still remember the pain, anger, sorrow and confusion upon learning about the Potter's death. He had never suspected that Sirius would be the traitor, he and James had been closer than brothers. Dumbledore had regretted not forcing James into allowing him to be their secret keeper. Peter Pettigrew going after Sirius had also shocked him, the boy had always been the least courageous of the group and the least likely to go off on his own. Dumbledore was at a loss to how Sirius escaped from Azkaban, he would've thought Sirius would've lost his mind years ago courtesy of the effects Dementors have. Worry began to filter through Dumbledore, another dark wizard at large, one as powerful and most likely as deranged at Sirius would be a huge risk. And with Harry Potter alive and out there somewhere it made the situation more worrying. Dumbledore would have to find a way to strengthen the wards around Hogwarts, and he would need to talk to Amelia about posting Aurors in Hogsmeade during the students visits.

With everything that happened the previous two years at Hogwarts the Wizarding world was watching him like a nesting dragon watches her eggs. Dumbledore was going to have to deal with a High Inquisitor, a new History of Magic teacher and a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year. Dumbledore hired Remus but the other two were chosen by the Board of Governors, and he didn't agree with either appointment. Sirius Black's escape was going to make things even more difficult for him. As soon as he opened his package he would Floo to the Ministry.

"How did he escape Albus?" McGonagall asked, her hand clutching her chest. "How is it possible?" Dumbledore turned grave blue eyes to the head of Gryffindor house. The normally stern and proper McGonagall looked faint, behind her Snape was glaring at the Evening Prophet that laid in front of him. Both of Snape's hands clutching the armrests of his chair. Dumbledore sighed as he turned to look at the other two heads of house. Sprout looked worse off than McGonagall, and Flitwick looked horrified. Dumbledore knew that Lily Potter nee Evans had been one of Flitwick's favorite students, her death had hit the normally jovial professor hard.

"This I do not know," Dumbledore said as he looked back at McGonagall. "I had not been informed of his escape, I am just now learning of it too." His blue eyes bored into the side of Snape's head, the man must've sensed it because Snape turned to look at him. Snape's obsidian eyes were flashing with anger and hatred. "Severus, did Tom tell you about this?" McGonagall's eyes widened minutely before her head snapped around to Snape. The latter sneered as his eyes continued to flash between anger and hatred.

"I knew nothing of this," Snape snapped. "If I had I would've informed you." Dumbledore searched Snape's face before he sighed and turned to examine the package he received. Dumbledore as usual scanned the package for any dark curses, the box showed no traces of magic. Dumbledore frowned at the label, his name was on the front but there was no sign as to who the sender was. Dumbledore waved his wand, cutting the box open. Dumbledore jumped up upon seeing the contents and his face drained of color.

"Albus?" McGonagall questioned worriedly. "What is it?" She pulled the box towards her and jumped back as the box tipped over and a head rolled out and onto her plate. Sprout screamed as the head of Elphias Doge landed on McGonagall's plate, his eyes wide and fearful. Dried blood stuck to the side of Elphias' face and his hair was filthy. Dumbledore felt sick as words of shock and outrage came from McGonagall, Flitwick and Sprout. Dumbledore had seen many of his friends die, he had seen children and adults alike fall to the ground to never again get up. But in his entire life he had never felt so disgusted, the head of his oldest friend was sitting before him. Dumbledore felt his disgust and horror be replaced by fury, he knew who had done this. There was only one person sick enough to taunt you with the dead body, or in this case head, of a loved on by sending it to you.

"How?" McGonagall asked faintly. "Was it You-Know-Who?" Dumbledore hadn't heard McGonagall sound so worried in years. "How is this possible?" Dumbledore didn't take his eyes away from Elphias, he couldn't seem to tear his blue gaze away from Elphias'. His eyes looked terrified, his friend must have feared for his life, he must've been so scared. Dumbledore paled, Elphias knew about Harry Potter being alive. If Voldemort didn't already know about Harry Potter alive than he did now. Dumbledore closed his eyes, he felt much older than his actual age as a single tear slipped from his right eye.

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