Start from the beginning

"Then, what are we waiting for?", said Monarch. "Let's target that particular ship to confirm first."

"Shinano, can you drop a few bombs at that ship?"

"Zzzz", said Shinano, still sleepy.

"I take that as yes...", said Monarch.

Moments later, Shinano tried to drop some bombs on a certain ship. However, enemy planes immediately covered it by sacrificing themselves before reaching the ship. The other enemies tried to shoot them before it was too late.

"Yeah, they are protecting someone", said Monarch. "Attack that ship at once!!"

"As you wish, Monarch!!", responded all of them, except Shinano.

Inside the particular ship, the little siren still trying to encourage Mashiro to retreat. But she refuses to budge and only leave this place until she meets Kay.

"They are persistent...", said Observer. "I thought that they will give up consider how much we damage them."

"Plus, I don't expect that will target this ship so quickly. Seems liked I need more data to observe them..."

"Observer, Mashiro-sama refuses to leave", said one of the siren girls. "What should we do now?"

"What about father? Will he come here?", asked Observer.

"They can't find him", said her.

"I see...this isn't good", said Observer. "I don't predict this event because I don't think Mashiro-sama will be this stubborn. Not to mention, Sakura Empire will attack us this soon."

"I really want to know how father manages to handle Mashiro-sama in the first place..."



"They really have brain...", said Observer. "I thought only father is the only genius tactician in Sakura Empire, but some of them know what to target..."

"Enough talking, protect this ship at all costs..."

"You really think so...?"

"!!!!!!! What!!!!"

"On the sky!!", shouted the siren girl.



Izumo appears in the sky and continued to shoot the ship. The other sirens try to attack her back, but she easily evades all of them.

Landing just in front of Observer while pointing her rigs at them.

"Just small kids here, but you are too young to defeat me", said Izumo. "Unlike you who attack Sakura Empire with dirty tricks, I don't need to use that kind of tactic to defeat you, sirens!!"


Izumo attacks Observer without any hesitation, sends her flying.

"Kay taught us to treat you as enemies but with some humanities", said Izumo. "No need torture you, if I can kill you fast enough..."


Time seemed to stop when Izumo realized someone was walking towards her. A little girl stare at her, feels happy at first but immediately changes it.

"No, you are not are not father...", said Mashiro.

"Father? What this child is talking about?", thought Izumo. "Hold on...this very dangerous. I can feel it..."

"Izumo! Are you alright...wait, that child...", said Monarch, suddenly appears with the others including Shinano.

"Be careful! That isn't a normal child!", shouted Izumo.

All of them are pointing their weapons toward Mashiro except Shinano who seems to remember something in her dream.

Mashiro does not stand still, in fact, the surrounding already slowly turns to ice. Froze by her power.

"Ah...that child is...", said Shinano.

"Fire!!", shouted Monarch.


Monarch and the others attack Mashiro immediately without letting Shinano finishes her words.

But before their attack reach Mashiro, a strong air against them and interrupt all the attacks. Cold air froze all what in front of Mashiro and leaving Monarch and the others untouched.

Because of the surrounding, Monarch had to close her eyes for a short a moment and the moment she opens her eyes, he saw Kay. Standing in front of Mashiro, protecting her from them.

"Kay...what...what are you doing?", asked Monarch.

They are surprised to see Kay, with the blade of frost in his hand. Denying all the attacks from Monarch and the others.

"Father!! You finally come to see Mashiro!", shouted Mashiro happily, immediately embraced Kay with a cheerful smile.

Kay then pets Mashiro's hairs and tells her to stay beside him while he confronts the others.

"That child is in my dream...", said Shinano. "With a familiar man protects her from far away..."

"A siren girl but an adopted daughter of, for an element...Kay..."

"What the meaning of this, Kay?", asked Monarch. "I thought you're on our side?"

"There are no such words, Monarch", said Kay. "In the first place, my agreement between you is to protect Sakura Empire rather than eliminates sirens. And of course, I did it more than enough..."

"But it doesn't mean you should pick on their side!", shouted Monarch.

"There is your responsible now, Monarch", said Kay. "I did say before, the moment you come here, you have to face the truth..."

"The consequences of your actions, are only you to bear."

"Now, what will you do?"

"Are you brave enough to face me...or retreat? You have only one option and the option will determine your fate..."


"Monarch, what should we do? We are not strong to face Kay", whispered Izumo. "If we can talk about this..."

"There is no way we can talk about this!", shouted Monarch. "If he decides to side with sirens, he is our enemies to begin with!!"

"Fire...with all you have..."

"I see...too bad isn't", said Kay. "I do have high hopes for you, Monarch. At least you understand the reason, but seems liked I'm wrong from the beginning..."

"No more talk, Kay!!", shouted Monarch, ready to fire her rigs at Kay.

"Stand close to me, Mashiro", whispered Kay. "Just stay won't take too long..."

"Trust won't take too long..."

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