"Where would you like to go Susan?" Harrison asked as he led her from the Floo pub.

"Well, I am slightly hungry," she said sounding a tad bit embarrassed. Harrison thought for a moment before heading down towards a small Italian restaurant he often goes to with Draco and his Aunt Narcissa.

"You told me once that you loved Italian food," Harrison told her. "So how about we go to The Olive?" Susan smiled and nodded her head.

"That sounds nice," Susan told him. Harrison led her passed adults doing their weekly shopping and teenagers catching up with their friends. Several giggling children ran past them and he saw a group of older boys ogling the newest broom, the Firebolt through the window of Quality Quidditch Supplies. Harrison smirked, his father had given him that broom the previous day for his thirteenth birthday. They stopped in front of a tiny restaurant with floor to ceiling windows that showed the inside of the restaurant which looked quite empty, there were several white circular tables out front. They walked inside and were instantly seated by a young woman who was much too cheery in Harrison's opinion. The restaurant played quiet Italian music and the smell of fresh bread wafted throughout the place. The table they sat at was covered in a white silk cloth and a candle floated in the center with a three inch long flame. Grapes and odd looking flowers dangled from the ceiling and almost everyone there appeared to be on a date, the whole place screamed romance.

"This place is beautiful," Susan said in awe as she looked around. "I've walked by here before but I've never been in."

"My Aunt Narcissa loves their bread," Harrison told her as he unfolded his white linen napkin. "Growing up she took Draco and I here quite often despite the more romantic atmosphere." Susan followed Harrison's example by placing a napkin on her lap.

"Hello, my name is Maura and I will be your waitress today," a young woman who wore her white-blonde hair in a plait said cheerily. After ordering their food Harrison and Susan began talking about anything and everything. Susan told Harrison about growing up with her aunt, her parents had been murdered by Voldemort himself when she was one. Harrison genuinely felt uncomfortable when she said that, he knew of course and he didn't feel bad for them. Her parents chose to fight against his father, he just felt uncomfortable pretending to care. He really did want to date Susan but he wasn't expecting her to tell him that right away. He quickly changed the subject and told Susan all about going to Quidditch games with his father, Draco, Lucius, Rodolphus, Rabastan and Leo when he was younger. It was her turn to be uncomfortable, she looked it whenever he mentioned someone who he knew Amelia thought was a Death Eater. Soon they moved to other things that neither had a problem with and by the time they had finished their lunch almost two hours later they were laughing.

Harrison and Susan walked hand in hand down Diagon Alley. They ran into several of their friends from school including Terry Boot and Anthony Goldstein who they saw in front of Flourish and Blott's. Harrison and Susan browsed several stores and Harrison bought them both ice cream cones from Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. Harrison felt carefree as he and Susan lost track of time in Avalonia's Antique Shop.

"Look at this," Susan giggled as she picked up a gaudy tiara covered with fake diamonds. Harrison grimaced, it was the ugliest tiara he had seen and he had seen many of them thanks to him attending various balls and charity functions.

"That's not as hideous as this," Harrison said as he wrinkled his nose. A huge phoenix pendant hung on the handle of a dresser, it looked like the sort of thing only a schizophrenic or Dumbledore would wear. Harrison continued to browse the shelves, he stopped when he spotted a simple necklace with a dangling cursive 'L'. The 'L' was encrusted with what looked like black diamonds. He looked around to make sure no one was within his line of sight, he waved his hand and the necklace glowed white which meant the diamonds were real. He unclasped the necklace and observed it closely.

"What's that?" Susan asked as she walked up behind him. Harrison turned around to face his date.

"Luna's twelfth birthday is on the tenth," Harrison told her. "I haven't bought her anything yet." Susan smiled as she looked at the necklace.

"It's pretty," Susan told him. Harrison returned the smile.

"I know," Harrison responded. He held out his hand, she grabbed his and they walked to the register.

At ten till eight Harrison and Susan stepped out of the fireplace at Bones Manor. Harrison discretely looked around, Amelia was nowhere to be seen. Harrison looked back at Susan and noticed that she was nervous, her hands were opening and closing at her sides and she subconsciously licked her lips.

"I had a lovely time," Susan said in a rush before blushing. Harrison was used to her blushing now, she had done it quite frequently that day.

"So did I," Harrison said as he stepped closer towards her so they were less than a foot apart. Harrison glanced up and his emerald eyes locked with her light brown ones. She closed her eyes and leaned towards him, he did the same and their lips met in a gentle kiss. He moved his right hand so that it was resting on the back of her head. After several seconds he pulled away and he saw that she was redder than Ronald Weasley and she was wearing an overly large grin.

"I liked that," Susan admitted. Harrison smiled, his hand still resting on the back of her head. He leaned towards her once more, this time their lips pressed harder against one another but Harrison didn't try to deepen the kiss. He may be a jerk half of the time but he wasn't going to push Susan at the moment, especially with today being the day they both had their first kiss and her aunt being in the house. Harrison let his hand fall down to his side.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Harrison asked and Susan looked a mix of surprise and happy. Harrison knew it was only one date but they had been friends for two years and he didn't want to wait until they had gone on more dates.

"I would love that," Susan said happily and Harrison grinned.

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